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TOPIC: I need help!!! I take to long and my template sucks!!

I need help!!! I take to long and my template sucks!! 15 years 6 months ago #20753

I want to ask for advice on my report. I have been working on it when I get a few minutes.
(Been really busy)

I like the systems by systems but I am finding having the report set up to my inspecting procedure works best. Limitations are critical for me and my reporting.

Please offer any suggestions for making my report better and quicker to use.

I am looking to change my conventions and to create an document invoice page. I deleted this one for my clients protection.

Thanks for the time!!


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Home Safe Home Inspections
Link Url: Cleveland Home Inspector - www.hshinspections.net/
Body:Performing Home Inspections in Cleveland, Parma, Brecksville, Broadview Heights, North Royalton, Strongsville and surrounding areas.
Last Edit: by David Macy.

Re: I need help!!! I take to long and my template sucks!! 15 years 6 months ago #20755

System by System reports are going to take you longer to create. There is way too much bouncing around between sections to get done what you need. Read the post by Louie in the PDA/Tablet thread. Had a tablet for 2 weeks now and he's gone from an hour or more off site to finishing on site. But you have to set things up right. Can you post a copy of a recent report so we can look at it? I know at one point last year you were down to an average of 45-60 minutes per report. Sometimes I see guys starting to get into more and more details, especially with photo editing where it's not necessary. This can start eating into your time.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: I need help!!! I take to long and my template sucks!! 15 years 6 months ago #20756

Oops, nevermind, I see the report now!

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: I need help!!! I take to long and my template sucks!! 15 years 6 months ago #20759

This report was from today and was actually a better than average home(at least for me lately)

I use a Q 1 in field. Report took 1 hour at home. Plus a 1/2 hour to proof read and re edit.

I am leaning to going back to ratings and re doing some of my conventions.

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Home Safe Home Inspections
Link Url: Cleveland Home Inspector - www.hshinspections.net/
Body:Performing Home Inspections in Cleveland, Parma, Brecksville, Broadview Heights, North Royalton, Strongsville and surrounding areas.

Re: I need help!!! I take to long and my template sucks!! 15 years 6 months ago #20761

Dom, do you think a room by room report is more efficient? I have been trying to decide. I agree that the system process does mean you have to bounce around as you write the report.

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<b>Title:</b> Orland Park Home Inspector
<b>Des:</b> Orland Park Home inspector performs home inspections in Orland Park, Tinley Park, New Lenox, Frankfort, & Palos Heights. 708-535-6057, 708-612-6679

Re: I need help!!! I take to long and my template sucks!! 15 years 6 months ago #20763

I think a hybrid of room by room and systems is the most efficient, similar to the default template.

Dave, when you're out in the field , how much are you entering?

How long are you spending editing photos and assigning them to sections. What's the break down of that hour?

1/2 hour to proof seems like quite a long time. Any reason it takes you that long? Watching TV and proofing doesn't work well(hehe).

The report itself looks good though!

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO
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