Certainly credit cards are the way of the world these days. Every now and then a client forgets to bring cash or a check to the inspection and then has to mail payment to me. Sometimes that takes a couple of weeks for them to get around to it. And, two or three times a year I don't get an inspection when over the phone I say that I do not accept credit cards. When that happens I think - "You shouldn't be buying a house if you don't have the cash to pay for a home inspection." But, people like the convenience and subsequent printed record of using a card - and then there are the benefit programs...
Credit card acceptance opens us up to financial regulations and banking fees and controls that I have not wanted to deal with. We become a part of the credit system. I am very reluctant to do that. To me, the less exposure the better. But every now and then I think about adding it as a service to my business. Just wanted to find out - do you or don't you? |
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Jay Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC
Based in Bristow, serving all of Northern Virginia www.jaymarinspect.com Northern Virginia Home Inspector Festina Lente - Make Haste Slowly |
Just added our new credit card service to our website yesterday by the way:
Took me 6 months to broker a deal for inspectors that didn't have monthly minimum transaction fees or monthly statement fees. The contract I have with them is for 3 years (starting last month) and then I have to renegotiate. I have a few guys already going through the sign up process then we'll be testing out the website integration this week. It allows you to take payment over the phone as you get a virtual terminal (which would cost $30 a month via paypal) as well as can add it to your site. Eventually I'll have it tied in to the report upload service as well, preventing a client from viewing a report until they pay. The reality is, one lost inspection would cover all the costs involved. The rates are better than paypal and you get your money faster. It also depends on where you live. In California credit really is king. I know inspectors taking checks that do ok, I know others like Mike Verlingo on here that said he had 6 bounced checks in the period of about a month. |
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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO
Last Edit: by Dominic Maricic.
Hey Dominic, this is something I would really like to do. If you would, let me know what I need to do to get set up. I've been looking at different ways to do C/C's while out in the field and on my website.
Thanks |
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HLC Home Inspections LLC
www.OklahomaHomeInspector.biz We are a licensed inspector for the state of Oklahoma.? Our focus is Oklahoma City, Moore, Mustang, Yukon, Tuttle, and many other areas surrounding OKC. HLC-Home-Inspections-Oklahoma-City HLC Home Inspections LLC... |
Hey John,
Just click the list in my post above, or click Credit Card Processing from the home page (on the left). Click the link to fill out the form on that page and the bank will pre-fill out all the paperwork and give you a call and explain all the details. As of now you can call in the credit card but they charge a buck or two for that. I'm working on a way for you to accept cc's in the field without the extra charge. What type of phone do you have? ![]() This is the first few days of us finally getting this online so you'll be part of the test crew for the process. |
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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO |
My cell is a Nokia 6086
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HLC Home Inspections LLC
www.OklahomaHomeInspector.biz We are a licensed inspector for the state of Oklahoma.? Our focus is Oklahoma City, Moore, Mustang, Yukon, Tuttle, and many other areas surrounding OKC. HLC-Home-Inspections-Oklahoma-City HLC Home Inspections LLC... |
If you have internet access on the phone, try loading this page and see if it works for you:
. Let me know if it loads ok.
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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO |