Hey guys I thought this would be something some of you might be interested in. Take a look and sign up if you feel its important. There is a lot of info on his site. I also added this to my site as a RSS feed under Green Energy topic.
August Call-to-Action August 10, 2008 Friends, Every year we're sending almost $700 billion out of our nation's economy to foreign nations for their oil. That's four times the annual cost of the Iraqi war and almost one-and-a-half times the projected U.S. deficit for 2009. It ends up in the pockets of a few friends and a lot of enemies. Last year we sent more than $300 billion to countries controlled by oppressive or unstable regimes. We are killing our economy at the same time that we are propping up our enemies. On January 20, 2009, a new President will take office and the new Congress will convene. During the first 100 days of Congress, we want legislation to be passed creating policies that embrace domestic energy alternatives to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Between now and then, we need to build an army to ensure our voices will be heard by the next Administration and Congress. Call to Action for the Month of August 1. Please recruit 5 friends to join us at http://push.pickensplan.com/ . Get everyone you know signed up - friends, family, neighbors, business associates. 2. During the August recess, many Members of Congress will be back in their home states and districts. If they are in your area at a public event or appearing on a call-in radio show, please ask them the following questions: o Do you agree that we need to slash our foreign oil dependence by at least 30% within 10 years? o Do you agree that we need to generate at least 20% of our electricity from domestic renewable sources by 2019? o Do you agree that we need to have incentives in place to get these technologies installed and operational within 10 years? o Do you agree that private enterprise should provide the investment and execute the deployment with government clearing the way? o Do you agree with the Pickens Plan? We have created an event called August Call-to-Action on Push.PickensPlan.com where you can report the results of your outreach. Also, continue to check the Push homepage for more information and updates. I will continue to be in touch, and look forward to hearing from you as well. Thank you. —T. Boone Pickens |
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HLC Home Inspections LLC
www.OklahomaHomeInspector.biz We are a licensed inspector for the state of Oklahoma.? Our focus is Oklahoma City, Moore, Mustang, Yukon, Tuttle, and many other areas surrounding OKC. HLC-Home-Inspections-Oklahoma-City HLC Home Inspections LLC... |
I heard an ad on this on the way to work this morning. He wants to have windmills across the great plains to cover 20% of our energy usage. Obviously it's not new stuff, and would work. Just need to figure out where to put them all
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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO |
Ya I thought it was a good idea. The main problem is distribution. The government would have to allow for better distribution to send the power to the east and west coasts. It wouldn't solve any problems but its a good start in the right directions, I think.
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HLC Home Inspections LLC
www.OklahomaHomeInspector.biz We are a licensed inspector for the state of Oklahoma.? Our focus is Oklahoma City, Moore, Mustang, Yukon, Tuttle, and many other areas surrounding OKC. HLC-Home-Inspections-Oklahoma-City HLC Home Inspections LLC... |
Pickens is in this thing for one thing - Pickens. My biggest beef with his extremely platitudinous ad is the phrase "transferring wealth." We are NOT transferring wealth - we are exchanging wealth. We get something in return for our money. And what we get in return runs our economic machine. There is NO substitute for oil, not now, and not in our lifetimes. Think about all that oil does - and on our property we have 65 - 300 years worth of known reserves.
His "plan" is insufficient and he knows it! By his own admission it would take a conservative estimate of between 35 and 40 years for windmills and solar to knock a very small dent in electrical energy use. We grow 3-4% a year so by then our needs will have expanded over how much? Math teacher? I get 174.94% (that's 40 y to the x 1.4). What Pickens wants is more natural gas usage - why? Follow the money... C'mon guys!! "Green" building means two things - mo' money and mo' gubment control. Control over what? Over what they will "allow" us (that's you and me) to do and not do. Take windmills - 20% of our energy usage? Do you mean electricity, because windmills can't power cars, planes, create roads, plastics, clothing, medicines, and petro-products on and on. If you mean electricity - NO WAY!! Look into it: -- they are extremely inefficient, operating at best 10% of the time. The rest of the time they are run by diesel turbines - they create a bigger "carbon footprint" (whatever in the world that is...) than they save. -- they each do not create much electricity (I have read that each mill creates 2 megawatts - or about 1/2 the electrical needs of a small school - that's nothing!) and enough windmills to power a small city take up over 300 times the land mass of one small electrical plant to power that city. Where does all this land come from? Is the gubment just going to take it? From whom? -- they require consistent wind and always from the same direction. Any of that around? Wind is at best erratic. -- given the amount of wattage our country needs (that's NEEDS), we would require millions of these hideous mechanisms to populate our land, providing erratic power and using oil (which we aren't allowed to get). Who is going to pay for them - they cost millions each? The gubment (which means you and me), electrical companies (which means you and me), cities (which means you and me) --- WHO?? And, do you want to look across the vista of a beautiful valley and see thousands of unnecessary fans providing erratic electrical power that can be had more cheaply and invisibly? Whose land is that, by the way....? -- they can't be placed near where people live. The sound drives people, and animals, crazy. -- given how much they cost, any figures on how long it takes to break even on how much energy they "save?" It is WAY beyond the lifespan of each windmill. I could go on. Solar? Even LESS efficient, MORE costly - break even on a small solar plant to power the needs of my house (I would need three acres of panels) is 554 years. The panels only last 20... Nevermind the gaffilions of dollars it would cost me to install. And they don't store enough energy to power me during cloudy days. The technology simply isn't there. It won't be there in 10 years. We have needs now. Conservation is cool, but it doesn't grow anything. Maintenance of our economic standard of living requires sustainability. If we don't sustain the needs of our growth, our standard of living DECLINES. Don't say that maybe we need a little of that - you DON'T want it. Sustainability requires growth. There is one reason why we are 70% beholden to foreign nations for our oil - the same stupid energy policies put in place by stupid people and prevented to change by those same stupid people for over 30 years. Read that -- the GUBMENT. By the way, less than 20% of our imported oil comes from our enemies... So the government is going to fix this? Or run it??? Pleeeease! Get on your knees now and plead that they do not even try! Next post - let's take a look at each of those questions we should ask our GUBMENT geniuses so they can "fix" this... I need to go get another soap box as this one is worn out. I don't have time for all I would want to say - these posts are time consuming. I need to get going - my first inspection is at 7 today (pre-drywall) and my last starts at 6pm. I will try to make some time for another post tonight, but I kind of have other things to do... |
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Jay Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC
Based in Bristow, serving all of Northern Virginia www.jaymarinspect.com Northern Virginia Home Inspector Festina Lente - Make Haste Slowly |
Wow strong feelings! I'm actually a lil shocked. It was not my intention to upset anyone with this topic. As inspectors some of us do green inspections. Thus, may have some kind of concern for our world. I thought this would be a great place to discuss some of those ideas and possibly find new avenues for our business.
I ask for one thing from you. If your going to make all these points and cases against, come up with counter solution for each. That way we can all have something to discuss instead of killing the whole forum for everyone. No one should be put down for an idea! That's the reason those "GUMBENT geniuses" get away with whatever they want. Every time someone comes up with an "idea" there are 20 people to slam it down, after a while no one comes up with any ideas anymore! Funny how that works. So tell us your ideas! |
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HLC Home Inspections LLC
www.OklahomaHomeInspector.biz We are a licensed inspector for the state of Oklahoma.? Our focus is Oklahoma City, Moore, Mustang, Yukon, Tuttle, and many other areas surrounding OKC. HLC-Home-Inspections-Oklahoma-City HLC Home Inspections LLC... |
John, please, in no way, take my post personally! Not intended! Bring this stuff up! It NEEDS discussion.
I do "green" inspections too - had one three nights ago. It seems the big bucks the homeowner spent on a ventless and very "green" roof are not paying off - he is experiencing condensation all over the huge house. His 16 SEER A/C unit cannot remove enough moisture from the air. Mold everywhere. And he refuses, and I mean refuses, to believe that it is caused by the lack of roof ventilation. (Ventless "green" roofs are the "new" wave...) OK then! He has bought into a new think, the new "green" paradigm, and anything outside that template is hoo -ey. That is what I meant by the word ignorant in my post - people simply don't know. To answer your request, here's an idea - The eight most prosperous countries in the world have economies that most closely match Adam Smith's neo-classical economic model. He was an economist at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. The eight least prosperous are the furthest from his model... in fact, the 98 least prosperous. What did he say? In two books, "A Theory of Moral Sentiments" (1773) and "The Wealth of Nations," (1776) he basically said that the free-market economics is like an invisible hand guiding and encouraging the free-flow of goods and services, sending resources to the places they will be most desired and most efficiently used. Milton Friedman said it is more like and invisible hand and foot. The free market always, always, always works! But it must be unfettered by government. Smith also said that the butcher, baker and beer maker provide our dinner not out of their goodwill and benevolence toward us but purely out of their own self interest. Self interest is NOT selfishness. If you disagree, consider this: Do you want to provide the best inspection service, with the best report, and the best record of success because you love your clients? Or do you want that information to get around to all the realtors so they call back and have their clients call? Why do you want them to call? Because you are interested in improving your standard of living, a better life style. Don't you love your clients? Sure, I have relationships with many of my clients, some extending over 20 years. They are great!! But they call because of my service. They have little other loyalty. And when they call it SUSTAINS my life style, to which I have grown accustomed. The model cannot survive without profit. When profit is stifled, or over taxed, the model fails. Period. Profit can be defined as monetary and as psychic. We also want a great "rep" and profit from that. Anything outside that model WILL NOT WORK! Ask T. Boone if he agrees with all that and he will say, "Of course, completely, 100%." So, why is he promoting a magical plan which is outside that model? My contention is because he wants to benefit T. Boone. Follow the money. That is not self interest. It is selfishness. He knows that economic laws are just that - laws. You violate them and there is consequence. Every now and then, too often, Messiahs come along and think they can violate those laws because they are smarter than the rest of the room. THEY CAN'T... There is a "Messiah" coming along right now - listen up! Our political freedoms are inextricably tied to our economic freedoms. Pure and simple. That is unarguable. Here is an interesting article I have been sending around for a few years now: " How Long Do We Have? About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier: (My interjection here - Tyler was a student of Adam Smith!!) 'A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.' 'A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.' 'From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.' 'The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years' 'During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence: 1. From bondage to spiritual faith; 2. From spiritual faith to great courage; 3. From courage to liberty; 4. From liberty to abundance; 5. From abundance to complacency; 6. From complacency to apathy; 7. From apathy to dependence; 8. From dependence back into bondage' Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000 Presidential election: Number of States won by: Democrats: 19 Republicans: 29 Square miles of land won by: Democrats: 580,000 Republicans: 2,427,000 Population of counties won by: Democrats: 127 million Republicans: 143 million Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Democrats: 13.2 Republicans: 2. Professor Olson adds: 'In aggregate, the map of the territory Republican won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of this great country. Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare...' Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the 'complacency and apathy' phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the 'governmental dependency' phase. If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal's and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years. Help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom. WE LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE, ONLY BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE " Back to me -- In other words, all these voters will be voting from a position of selfishness. There will be more tax takers than tax payers. Look around at the pockets of our country that are in that position now - how are they doing? That, by the way, is the thesis of the book "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. Haven't read it? Do so... What really gets my goat, and a lot of them have been missing lately are all the policies designed to gain more control over our lives. That means a reduction of our liberties. The best way to do this is to stultify economic freedoms. Have you not noticed? Did you not notice the recent Supreme Court "decision" regarding eminent domain? Now it is "constitutional" for governments to take any property at any time should they deem it to be able to produce more revenue for the government that wants it. If a local government, for tax revenue reasons, thinks it will profit more from a shopping mall than your neighborhood, they can take it "constitutionally" and give you in return what they think your property is worth. How again would gazillions of wind mills happen? John, my new friend, I am not trying to stifle the free exchange of ideas. Quite the opposite, I am trying to engage, and teach. So, LET'S TALK... I am a warm fuzzy - I will not get personal. Should I stop by your house going cross country I would give you a big kiss, well, the Biblical "holy kiss." I love your posts - don't stop! You think I don't have concern for the "world"? Quite the opposite - I agree with Reagan - we are the lighted city on the hill, we are the world's last, best hope. When we lose that perspective, we are lost and so is "the world." This idea you accuse me of "slamming down" is NOT new. It has a new dress on and a pretty bow and a Smiley Face pin on the collar. But it is not new. Slamming down these "new" ideas never stops them. "They" do come with "new" ideas - but, they really are the old one, re-dressed. I would love to have lunch with Pickens. I'm not fooled. I am frankly surprised by this "new" proposal of his. More than that, disappointed. Check out the lyrics to the song, "We Won't Get Fooled Again." www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Won't-Ge...FA9C48256977002E72F9 Oh, and the answers to the questions Pickens wants us to ask our "gubment geniuses" can ALL be answered by and with the free market. And quickly!! Post away, dude! |
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Jay Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC
Based in Bristow, serving all of Northern Virginia www.jaymarinspect.com Northern Virginia Home Inspector Festina Lente - Make Haste Slowly
Last Edit: by Jay Markanich.