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TOPIC: Would you walk this roof??

Would you walk this roof?? 15 years 3 days ago #29577

Low slope roof, mostly covered with snow.
Went up to look at chimney and flashings.

Would you have walked this roof.  You can see my ladder in the distance

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Re: Would you walk this roof?? 15 years 3 days ago #29585

No, and I hope you never find out the hard way why you shouldn't either.

Stay safe out there !!!

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Jeffrey R. Jonas
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Re: Would you walk this roof?? 15 years 3 days ago #29588

Jeff I here you.

It was early and that portion by my ladder was dry, the snow was packie and the roof was low sloped. I try to make good decisions, but this probably was not one of them.

I could not afford an injury and need to watch on these colder mornings for frost and black ice.

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Home Safe Home Inspections
Link Url: Cleveland Home Inspector - www.hshinspections.net/
Body:Performing Home Inspections in Cleveland, Parma, Brecksville, Broadview Heights, North Royalton, Strongsville and surrounding areas.

Re: Would you walk this roof?? 15 years 3 days ago #29589

Jeff I here you.

It was early and that portion by my ladder was dry, the snow was packie and the roof was low sloped. I try to make good decisions, but this probably was not one of them.

I could not afford an injury and need to watch on these colder mornings for frost and black ice.

It's what you can't see that hurt you.
I would have gone on the "dry" portions of the roof if there was enough of it to make a difference, but would never consider the snow covered areas. Ice under the snow will really ruin your day. It's just not worth the risk.

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Jeffrey R. Jonas
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URL: www.owatonnahomeinspector.com
Title: Critical Eye Property Inspections
Description: Providing...

Re: Would you walk this roof?? 15 years 2 days ago #29674

I understand what Jeffrey is saying, I guess I might have if the snow was packed and I seen an issue on the chimney that might have been serious. If not no I wouldn't have. Most of us can't afford the injury. Glad you didn't get hurt.

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Re: Would you walk this roof?? 14 years 11 months ago #29913

David, what are you going to see thru the snow, even being up there? Did you take a shovel up with you? :) :)

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