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TOPIC: Sidebars and content sections of my web pages aren't uniform

Sidebars and content sections of my web pages aren't uniform 12 years 8 months ago #48910

I'm using Web Theme #5 with a left and right sidebar.
Problem 1: On my front page the content and the right sidebar project out from underneath the header section by the width of the sidebar. On the Qualifications page, the right sidebar sticks out by half its width. On the NACHI standards page the content and the right sidebar are way over the width of the header. On the Book Your Inspection page, the side bar extends slightly into the rightside black-line border.
Problem 2: The right and left sidebars have a variable width from one page to another. Measured with a ruler on my screen (1680 x 1050 res), some sidebars are 2" wide, some 1 1/2", and one is 1 3/4" wide.
There's a similar problem on the Edit Page screens of each page, the page shows correctly, but when it's published it changes proportions. Makes for interesting editing.
When you're clicking through the menu items, it's a bit disconcerting to have the content sort of flicker side to side, and to find the mouse arrow be over a completely different menu item because individual items have shifted up or down since they now may use two lines of text, rather than one, as they are in the wide mode.

How do I get a stable page format?? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Sidebars and content sections of my web pages aren't uniform 12 years 8 months ago #48911

Hi Hans,

You need to shrink down the huge logos at the bottom of your site. They're a fixed size so they are forcing everything off to the side.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: Sidebars and content sections of my web pages aren't uniform 12 years 8 months ago #48912

Thanks Dom,

I shrank the logos and forms which were spreading the content sections. I take it there is a fixed minimum width for the content section, but is there any way to fix the maximum width so that the elements inside the content section will have to wrap themselves, a la Windows Word?

What can I do about the NACHI Standards of Practice page--there the spread seems to be due to text formatting? Or is that a case of living with it because otherwise it becomes unreadable?

Thanks for the help, Dom.

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Re: Sidebars and content sections of my web pages aren't uniform 12 years 8 months ago #48913

Dom, I have a small issue very close to Hans'. I have theme 26, which looks great on my newer wide(21 inch)screen computer. My older computer, with the 12" monitor shows the sidebars to be wider than the middle (content). Some pages have to be "slid" via the bottom arrow to view the entire page, others collapse the content into a narrow, oblong box. Hopefully most clients will have newer monitors at least 16" wide or so. I just want to make sure I haven't made an improper width adjustment or made a logo too big. Otherwise, I suppose that's just the way it is. :)

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Re: Sidebars and content sections of my web pages aren't uniform 12 years 8 months ago #48915

Hans, most of the themes have a solid graphic at the top so they won't expand. Text will wrap but graphics can't (you can wrap text around graphics though) But the later themes (30's) will be much wider than the earlier ones as monitors have gotten larger. With the SOP page, paste the text into the page using the Paste as Text feature. This will remove the formatting that is causing your issue.

Mike, 12" is tiny! Computers start with 17" monitors now. Laptops go down to 13", then netbooks will get smaller. You could definitely shrink down the images in your sidebar some. You also want to center them in the sidebar so they look better.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: Sidebars and content sections of my web pages aren't uniform 12 years 7 months ago #48916

yes Dom, my old monitor is tiny. Diagonally is 15". I like the new one much better. I'll try shrinking the logos a little, as well as trying to get them centered on the sidebars. Thank you.

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Always tell the truth, do what you promise, and do it righter than right..always
Title: Inspection Connection
URL: www.charleston-home-inspector.com
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Keywords: Charleston Home Inspector, St...
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