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TOPIC: Adding client testimonial (video) to website

Adding client testimonial (video) to website 10 years 8 months ago #58256

I would like to make a page for just Client Testimonial videos.  Is there a tutorial on how to put a video on a webpage?

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Site URL: www.portsaintluciehomeinspectors.com

Body:?  Home Inspections in Vero Beach, Fort Pierce, Port Saint Lucie, Stewart and surrounding area.

Title: Inspection Services of the Treasure Coast

Meta Description: Home Inspections in Vero Beach,Fort Pierce,Port Saint Lucie,Stuart


Re: Adding client testimonial (video) to website 10 years 8 months ago #58257

Use a html link to the vid on your server or youtube.I believe this will work.
Any other way it would make your report to large for an email.

That didn't work because the Adobe pdf file has to be accessed to make the link active.
Add accessible links

With thoughtfully provided links, users can quickly move from one part of a document to another, to related information in a different document, or to a website that is relevant to the content.

For URLs to be accessible to screen readers, you must convert them to active links and make sure that they are correctly tagged in the PDF.

Note: If you tagged the Adobe PDF during conversion from an authoring application, the links and URLs in the document are probably already active and included in the tag tree so that they are accessible to screen readers. You probably don?t have to do this task unless you want to add more links.
Acrobat provides several ways to create active links for text, objects, and URLs in a PDF. However, the methods differ in how they affect the tag tree. The best way to create accessible links is with the Create Link command.

The Create Link command adds all three tags that screen readers require in order to recognize a link. Although you must activate links one by one, using the Create Link command provides the fastest results and the least amount of follow-up work to make the links accessible to screen readers.

The last thing to do is optional editing of the tag tree to add alternate text to the new links.

Creating links with Acrobat Standard doesn?t generate any tags for the links.

Do the following to make links active and add them to the tag tree:

Select the text or object for which you want to create a link.
Right-click the selection, and choose Create Link from the context menu.
In the Create Link dialog box, select the appropriate options, and then follow the on-screen instructions to specify a URL, page view, or file as the link target.
By default, the selected text for each link becomes the link text. After you add all the links, you can edit the tag tree to add alternate text to the links, further improving the accessibility of the PDF.

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Last Edit: by Roy Lewis.

Re: Adding client testimonial (video) to website 10 years 8 months ago #58258

I didn't get much out of that.  I'm thinking I'll have to upload it to you tube and copy source and paste on page source to add to my website.

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Site URL: www.portsaintluciehomeinspectors.com

Body:?  Home Inspections in Vero Beach, Fort Pierce, Port Saint Lucie, Stewart and surrounding area.

Title: Inspection Services of the Treasure Coast

Meta Description: Home Inspections in Vero Beach,Fort Pierce,Port Saint Lucie,Stuart


Re: Adding client testimonial (video) to website 10 years 8 months ago #58276

What Gary said. Upload to YouTube then get the embed code and paste on the Source view of a page on your site.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO
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