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TOPIC: How to create your own forms

How to create your own forms 16 years 9 months ago #1038

There's a lot of variables in creating your own form, but this should get you started.

1. Click on Webform under the Create Content menu

2. Give the form a title. In this case we'll call it: Customer Satisfaction Survey

3. Type in a description that you want to appear at the top of the form into the Description box. "Thank you for taking part of our customer satisfaction survey."

4. For the Confirmation Message box you can just type a message such as "Thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey" or you can make an page through the create content->page feature (like a normal page) and list the page address here. This is where the user will go when they are done with the survey.

5. For the E-mail to address: enter in your email address so you get a copy of the results. Make sure to do this with your Book an Inspection survey that came setup with your site.

6. Set the Meta tags for SEO like you would any other page.

7. Set the webforms URL just like you would another page.

8. Under Menu settings, set what menu you want the form to appear under and the item name(or don't set it at all if you don't want it listed on the menu, which it doesn't have to be if you're just emailing a direct link to your clients).

9. Click Submit. Now the basic setup is done, it's time to create the actual form.

10. You should have Form Components clicked at the top of the page. You'll click this again later if you want to edit the form.

11. To the right of New Component Name, enter the name of this field and select the type of field you will be adding to your form. The options you are likely to use are:
  • Date: Useful if you want the person to enter in a date, such as when the inspection occured.
  • Email: Useful if you want the client to enter in their email address.
  • Select: If you want to let them chose from a list of checkbox choices (multiple answers allowed) or  radio buttons (only one can be selected)
  • Text Area: This is a multi line place for the user to answer a question.
  • Text Field: This is a single line for the person to give an answer in
  • Time: Useful to have the person enter a time, such as the time the inspection occured.

For example, type in Name , select Text Field , click Mandatory (they have to answer the question if you check this and click Add. Weight allows you to rearrange the questions. -10 is first, 10 is last. Tie goes in alphabetical order.

Depending on the type you choose (we chose Text Field), your options will be slightly different below.

12. After you click Add you will be taken to the configuration for the item you just added. In the Text Field case there's a Label which is what the client would see, such as Full Name.

13. Leave Field key alone, the default should be fine.

14. You could enter in a pre-filled in value if you'd like, it's up to you (usually you don't).

15. Description. If you want to be more detailed about what your looking for (kind of obvious here when the label is Full Name), you enter it here, ex. Please enter in your name.

16. Max Length: How many characters can this field contain. For a name 80 would be appropriate. Leave the Width field alone and it will be set automatically.

17. Mandatory: Check it if they must answer this question.

18. Weight: Order this appears in the list of survey questions.

19. Click Submit.

20. You'll see what you just created listed. Repeat steps 11-19 to add more questions.

Hopefully this has been useful. There's a lot of steps, take it slowly, print this out. There's a ton of flexibility here. If you get into it you can use Pagebreaks to make multiple page surveys, fieldsets to group questions and more.

If you make a survey, post it here so we can see it! If you have any questions, just let us know.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO
Last Edit: by Dominic Maricic.

Re: How to create your own forms 16 years 9 months ago #1044

Hi Dominic:

I have tried to follow the directions for a customer satisfaction survey. It went good until step #12 then my program stays the same and does not move to the next field?????

8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

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Patrick Wiseman
PJC Home Inspections LLC
Washingtonville, NY 10992 www.wisemanhomeinspections.com
Home Inspections in Monroe, Middletown, Newburgh, Orange, and Ulster Counties, New York

Re: How to create your own forms 16 years 9 months ago #1046

I'll probably have to remote and look at whatyoure doing. Do you see an edit link next to the field you created?

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: How to create your own forms 16 years 9 months ago #1047

Yes Dominic there is a edit selection.


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Patrick Wiseman
PJC Home Inspections LLC
Washingtonville, NY 10992 www.wisemanhomeinspections.com
Home Inspections in Monroe, Middletown, Newburgh, Orange, and Ulster Counties, New York

Re: How to create your own forms 16 years 9 months ago #1048

Let me know if when you can go remote.


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Patrick Wiseman
PJC Home Inspections LLC
Washingtonville, NY 10992 www.wisemanhomeinspections.com
Home Inspections in Monroe, Middletown, Newburgh, Orange, and Ulster Counties, New York

Re: How to create your own forms 16 years 9 months ago #1049

You can try clicking the Edit button and continue. I just finished dinner. You can come to Live Chat and do a remote session.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO
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