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TOPIC: Still confused Inspectvue convert

Still confused Inspectvue convert 15 years 11 months ago #10658

Despite spending time with Dominic yesterday, which I truly appreciate, I am really having a difficult time with this program. I was quite proficient with Inspectvue, this system is so different. Any other converts out there that could offer some help.

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Re: Still confused Inspectvue convert 15 years 11 months ago #10660

What is it you're having a hard time with? Some of the guys you'd want to talk to are Dennis Gordeau, Bill Warner, John Lerch,  and quite a few other guys. I don't keep track of who switches from what program so those are a few I remember off the top of my head. I'm sure some of the other guys here can help you out. Make sure you sit down and watch the animated tutorials.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: Still confused Inspectvue convert 15 years 11 months ago #10665

I'd be happy to help chat with you anytime, gimme a shout, and we'll walk through it.
Call me on the house phone,
I converted from PV to HIP, and I'm glad I did. I'm having a ball tweaking this program... ;D

The attached file is a report sample that I did just this weekend for a client.

I still need to tweak a few things,  add some verbage, etc...but this is about what I'm going to stick with, for awhile.

Steve (719-510-7703 cell)
        (719-495-2914 home)

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Last Edit: by Steven Waskewicz.

Re: Still confused Inspectvue convert 15 years 11 months ago #10666

Hey Steven,

Nice looking report! How did the report go over with the client and agent?

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: Still confused Inspectvue convert 15 years 11 months ago #10667

Thanks buddy,
The client really liked it, and the agent hasn't squawked, (I emailed her the report along with the client)
although I haven't really heard any comments positive or negative yet from her... ::)

My wife liked it, as I usually bug her to critique it for me, once I do a final print, and since she said it was passable,
I thought I'd give it a whirl.

I really like the flexibility of HIP, and I'm just now getting used to the editing of documents, and editing the template itself.
Its amazing! 

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Re: Still confused Inspectvue convert 15 years 11 months ago #10669

You can thank all the former HIP users. They discuss and suggest, I just implement :)

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO
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