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TOPIC: What to do with a cracked bathtub?

What to do with a cracked bathtub? 13 years 4 months ago #45150

Hey Guys,

In the place I'm living, we have an additional bathroom that we want to start using, but noticed that the bathtub has a 2 1/2" crack in floor of the tub. It's below the slope of the side, so it is truly in the floor of the tub, and when pressed, about 1 1/2" is through the tub body. It is a standard 5' fiberglass tub (not full shell, just the tub) surrounded by a separate surround. Is there a way to fix this type of damage, or must the tub itself be replaced? I have included photos of the damage, though they may be a little bit grainy. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: What to do with a cracked bathtub? 13 years 4 months ago #45153

Hey Dan,
Now-a-days, there's ways to fix just about anything. The question is: should you? Price vs effectivness vs replace. Personally, I would look at it as the perfect time to remodel/replace that old tub. Could be the perfect Christmas present for the wifey!

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Jeffrey R. Jonas
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Re: What to do with a cracked bathtub? 13 years 4 months ago #45156

Sadly it's the wifey's mothers who owns the place, and we're having to use this tub, as the shower surround and fixtures in the master bath were incorrectly installed/sealed and all the studs and backer are rotten. So am trying to have it so we have one place to shower while the other is out of commission. I guess in the short term heavy duct taping would do the trick while I fix one tub, then can address the other. Sigh...

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Re: What to do with a cracked bathtub? 13 years 4 months ago #45157

Jeff's right...there are companies out there that will repair the tub, but is a fiberglass tub really worth repairing vs. replacing?  Do your research, check prices...you might be surprised that a new set up is equal or less expensive.

FYI; I do a lot of bath remodels...we use a lot of Sterling tubs and surrounds...;)

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Re: What to do with a cracked bathtub? 13 years 4 months ago #45160

Auto body repair! :-0

Use the tub, and it will end up like your shower! ;-)

I'm working on John Rich's leaking swimming pool.
I'd be happy to do the same at your place!

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Re: What to do with a cracked bathtub? 13 years 4 months ago #45164

They can be repaired but it is only a slightly longer term stop gap.  Just like any crack, it will continue unless relieved.  Be prepared for moisture damage underneath.  Replacement will be less expensive now than later.

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