Thanks to Brad Pool for sending me the transcripts as I missed the first part of the chat session. Below is the transcripts of tonights chat session! ;D Thanks for John McKenna for showing up and answering questions and talking about his course as well.
You have joined HIP. John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP has joined HIP. John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: Are we talkin yet? Brad_Pool_HIP: Not yet. Just waiting on the host. David_A__Andersen_HIP: Hi guys John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: Well Im here! lol David_A__Andersen_HIP: are you getting a camera? Patrick_Wiseman_HIP has joined HIP. John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: you who? David_A__Andersen_HIP: you David_A__Andersen_HIP: john... John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: not anytime soon. I cant afford one. Im subing all my work out David_A__Andersen_HIP: I was interested in doing that too John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: Its a smart move. Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: Hi Guys John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: The guy Im using called me up and I said lets talk John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: He charges me $60 an hour and I charge my customer $100 hour. Brad_Pool_HIP: Of those using IR in their inspections, how many IR inspections do you do as a percentage? David_A__Andersen_HIP: I was putting a program for HI's but I don't know where it will go. I'd like to move away from HI to HVAC and (related) IR. John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: I havent done any yet. I've only been teamed up with him for a week now. David_A__Andersen_HIP: 100% ; but they don't order it ahead of the HI. Brad_Pool_HIP: Fluke sent me a camera for a week. I am goming to get it for another week in the future and run a test market in my area. John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: Brad thats a good idea Brad_Pool_HIP: Most of our referrals are from realtors so we have to be careful not to step on toes. Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: Ratheon is supposed to releasing a camera under $1000.00 David_A__Andersen_HIP: I will tell you guys one thing, people will not flock to your offerings. They don't know! John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: How good is it though David_A__Andersen_HIP: Don't play the $$$ Game. You get what you pay for. You just need to know what you want to do with it and get the right CAM John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: egggggzackly John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: lol Brad_Pool_HIP: I would rather spend a bit more and make sure I had one that would not be outfdated for a few years. I was told that when you send them in for calibration every couple of years that it is esaier for the company to upgrade to software and hardware to keep them all easy to work on. Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: Won't know until it's released, Good company. Like yourself I really like Fluke as a company. I also did a lot of work with their testing departmant. David_A__Andersen_HIP: It will be outdated before it arrives! ![]() John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: I like Fluke. I would reccomend them for allmost any item they sell David_A__Andersen_HIP: I have purchased cam's on close out. I sell them years later for whay I pay for them and move ahead. Brad_Pool_HIP: I have used FLIR and Fluke and prefer the Fluke. I don't need a laser pointer on the IR camera David_A__Andersen_HIP: Yes you do. More than you think. David_A__Andersen_HIP: There are all kinds of blls and whistles, but thaqt one you need. Brad_Pool_HIP: Do you use it for marketing to the client? David_A__Andersen_HIP: Yes, always David_A__Andersen_HIP: Once they see it, it's all over! Gregory_Scheer_HIP has joined HIP. David_A__Keating_HIP has joined HIP. David_Macy_HIP has joined HIP. John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: I can see why one would want the laser Gregory_Scheer_HIP: Good afternoon all David_Lauby__HIP has joined HIP. John_McKenna_HIP has joined HIP. John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: howdy Bill_Warner_HIP has joined HIP. Brad_Pool_HIP: Hey John John_McKenna_HIP: Howdy... David_A__Andersen_HIP: Hi David M David_Macy_HIP: This is what I like to see an early crowd. Hello all! David_A__Andersen_HIP: Working hard John? Gregory_Scheer_HIP: I'm a bit late--repairing the side panels on the old hot tub David_A__Keating_HIP: Hi there! John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: Okay I think Im going to need everyone to call my Adrian. There are way too many Johns in here John_McKenna_HIP: No... its too cold to work... 33 F David_A__Andersen_HIP: 7F this AM!!! Gregory_Scheer_HIP: Bill, I've been enjoying reading your ir site David_Macy_HIP: I have a ton of Questions on the Flir B40 John_McKenna_HIP: People in Texas freeze to death at 32F David_A__Andersen_HIP: GOod delta TTT Brad_Pool_HIP: It seems everyone is busy doing home improvement or maintenaince that has been put off. Bill_Warner_HIP: Thanks Greg! Ron_Caton_HIP has joined HIP. Steven_DeGiulio_HIP has joined HIP. John_McKenna_HIP: Call me JohnMc Gregory_Scheer_HIP: I've done two add-on thermals as of last week. Got an extra $150 for them. Envelope scan and interior walls/ceilings Bill_Warner_HIP: Nice Greg! keep it up. David_A__Andersen_HIP: Ask David M! Bill_Warner_HIP: Just got back in from an energy survey Gregory_Scheer_HIP: I know you charge more for the HI and just do it, is that right? Bill_Warner_HIP: Correct David_Macy_HIP: Is 120X120 resolution OK? Mel has joined HIP. David_A__Andersen_HIP: FOr HI , Yes Bill_Warner_HIP: I disagree but that's just me John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: 120x120 is the min you want David_A__Andersen_HIP: DOn't hang out of a plane doing roof scans though. David_Macy_HIP: I printed out a document 12 things to know before buying a IR camera. John_McKenna_HIP: 120x120 is the min Gregory_Scheer_HIP: There's a company in Sacramento that is doing everything for 395 (they offer a $50 coupon) original price 445 David_Macy_HIP: What is your opinion on the Flir B40 IR camera John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: I glanced over the 12 things to know. It looked good Brad_Pool_HIP: But Tha is CAL> David_Macy_HIP: Adrian I printed out read about half and these questions are from the document. Gregory_Scheer_HIP: I bought (charged) a Fluke TiR1 David_A__Keating_HIP: The one on that 12 things you should know, which one was it and how much $ Brad_Pool_HIP: That is the one I am looking at. John_McKenna_HIP: FLUKE TiR works OK for HI David_Macy_HIP: Q. Does the B40 have emissivity and temperature inputs? Gregory_Scheer_HIP: Fusion, PIP, voice recording capable and the software to convert to jpeg, etc.. David_Macy_HIP: JMack does the B40 work for energy audits David_A__Andersen_HIP: I hate to convert, flir outputs jpg John_McKenna_HIP: B40 Good for HI,,, Yes John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: why would you want inputs for temp and emissivity? David_Macy_HIP: Does the B40 have a laser pointer? David_A__Andersen_HIP: yes David_Macy_HIP: Thanks DA John_McKenna_HIP: B40 is replacing the BCAM SD... laster, yes David_A__Keating_HIP: Is the B40 the one shown on the PDF 12 things to know? John_McKenna_HIP: Laser... spelling error David_Macy_HIP: What about a replaceable battery, car charger and battery charger David_A__Andersen_HIP: it has more than I need David_Macy_HIP: DA no David_A__Andersen_HIP: Yes John_McKenna_HIP: You have to buy the battery... but yes you can replace battery John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: whats the difference between the B40 and the IRC57? David_Macy_HIP: Doesnt look the same as the print out but what do I know. Rookie IR soon to be user David_Macy_HIP: How do I go about using before buying? David_A__Andersen_HIP: call a rep William_R__DeVries_HIP has joined HIP. William_R__DeVries_HIP: hey there David_Macy_HIP: Hey William Gregory_Scheer_HIP: Hi William_R__DeVries_HIP: I see all these hippies fellas John_McKenna_HIP: You can buy from Professionalequipment.com and use for 30 days. No question return policy William_R__DeVries_HIP: whats happening Brad_Pool_HIP: Send me an email and I will send the fluke try and buy rep I have benn working with. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. David_Macy_HIP: IR discussion David_Macy_HIP: Does the B40 have a touch screen David_A__Andersen_HIP: I just got my demand payment from home safe!!!!!!!!!! David_Macy_HIP: Thanks Brad David_A__Andersen_HIP: no touch screen John_McKenna_HIP: Demand payment.? LOL David_A__Keating_HIP: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. has a try & buy David_Macy_HIP: I wonder if you can print out this chat. Were the heck is Dom!! William_R__DeVries_HIP: good for you david A David_A__Andersen_HIP: :-0 David_A__Keating_HIP: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. has a try & buy?? William_R__DeVries_HIP: telll them to pound salt David_Macy_HIP: What are you guys using? David_A__Andersen_HIP: yup! John_McKenna_HIP: I use a BCAM Gregory_Scheer_HIP: Dominic said he'd try to make it but may not be able to William_R__DeVries_HIP: b cam SD and will have b360 in feburary David_A__Andersen_HIP: EX320 David_Macy_HIP: Dom is driving home. David_Macy_HIP: Is there only 1 Bcam David_A__Andersen_HIP: no David_A__Andersen_HIP: 5 William_R__DeVries_HIP: there is 4 bcam series i think William_R__DeVries_HIP: sorry 5 David_Macy_HIP: Is EX320 a Bcam? John_McKenna_HIP: BCAM replaced by BCAM SD and now replaced by the B Series David_A__Andersen_HIP: +B2 Gregory_Scheer_HIP: Bill, I sent a sidebar request to you William_R__DeVries_HIP: B cam are a good series for beginner and home inspector David_A__Andersen_HIP: Want a deal, find a bcam new William_R__DeVries_HIP: if you really wanna get into IR you need to better i think David_Lauby__HIP: Anyone care to talk pricing? David_Macy_HIP: Sure. David_A__Keating_HIP: John Mckenna, i know you said you had a certain brand already but if you had to do over which brand and model would you buy?? William_R__DeVries_HIP: ure David_A__Andersen_HIP: take one step back on price David_Lauby__HIP: $150 as an add-on to a HI in AZ John_McKenna_HIP: BCAM works fine for me. David_Macy_HIP: I was quoted about 5K for the B40 less a Nachi discount. David_A__Andersen_HIP: oh, $100 hr Ron_Caton_HIP has left the chat. (Connection closed) John_McKenna_HIP: BCAM gives good bang for the bucks you spend Gregory_Scheer_HIP: David, is that with a report? Ron_Caton_HIP has joined HIP. David_A__Andersen_HIP: intigrated into hi report Gregory_Scheer_HIP: add-on or a stand alone? David_A__Andersen_HIP: add on Gregory_Scheer_HIP: what would you charge for a stand alone? John_McKenna_HIP: I do IR with ALL inspections. Period. David_A__Andersen_HIP: $500+ David_Lauby__HIP: It is not a HI without a report - not a thermal wo a report - we give a written report William_R__DeVries_HIP: I charge 150 per hour two hour min and then quarterly billed John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: Im charging $125 hr for a stand alone David_A__Andersen_HIP: I can drive for that David_Macy_HIP: HIP has great software for the IR, so I do not need a camera with fusion but it seems they all have them. Gerry_Pallotta_HIP has joined HIP. David_A__Andersen_HIP: cant drive... John_McKenna_HIP: I charge $250 for stand alone David_Lauby__HIP: how many hrs do you bill for a typical job? Gregory_Scheer_HIP: A realtor called me last week to go look at a home for a client... it had flooded and they wanted me to look at it David_A__Keating_HIP: ohn_McKenna_HIP: BCAM gives good bang for the bucks you spend- what does it not have that the B40 does David_A__Andersen_HIP: 4hrs Gregory_Scheer_HIP: $75 for the half hour, no report needed, the client just wanted to look too William_R__DeVries_HIP: from my door to client starts the clock David_Lauby__HIP: where in the US r u? David_Macy_HIP: Anyone using or doing blower door? John_McKenna_HIP: Fusion is good... but I like to do side by side. Just me David_A__Andersen_HIP: DM it has nothing but more Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP has joined HIP. David_A__Andersen_HIP: without a report, it's not worth anything in my book John_McKenna_HIP: BCAM has limited number of picture stoage (only 50) John_McKenna_HIP: Storage... spelling error David_A__Andersen_HIP: storage is not an issue in hi John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: from what I can find blower doors are not required but make things much better Gregory_Scheer_HIP: If anyone is interested in Fluke, you can download the software, just to see capabilities. I convert and stick the images into my HIP report |
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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO |
William_R__DeVries_HIP: SD can store 1000 pics easy David_Macy_HIP: So if you were me and just starting out what camera would you buy. I have some first communion money saved. David_A__Andersen_HIP: I can keep tract of 30 pics!!! William_R__DeVries_HIP: B cam SD or B50 for sure John_McKenna_HIP: Buy FLUKE or FLIR - $4000 to $5000 David_A__Andersen_HIP: I saved $1,200 for no SD card David_Macy_HIP: Is B50 the step up from a B40? John_McKenna_HIP: InterNACHI has good discount on FLUKE... $4000 David_A__Andersen_HIP: it's an upgradable 60 William_R__DeVries_HIP: the SD card makes doing two or three condos easy as you swap out cards Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP: I bought the b40 John_McKenna_HIP: Contact Nick David_Macy_HIP: I am seeing you Johnny Mack for the training, your son is a good guy. Brad_Pool_HIP: yeas and the b60 is equivelent to the TiR1 David_A__Keating_HIP: ohn_McKenna_HIP: Buy FLUKE or FLIR - $4000 to $5000 and between those two John? Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: Can Blower Doors cause problems with pulling dust and pesticides into the living spaces???/ David_Macy_HIP: Yes Nick sent me to a guy and I can get a 10% discount. David_A__Andersen_HIP: I have a cable in my computer at all times for other stuff. Download is seconds. John_McKenna_HIP: My son Gabriel... I like him too... LOL David_A__Andersen_HIP: Pat, yes. Gary_Mann_HIP has joined HIP. David_A__Andersen_HIP: Blower door and IR are not really an association David_Macy_HIP: Dennis how do you like the B40 Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: Is the problems worth using a blower door?/ Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP: actually Dave Im waiting for it to come in David_A__Andersen_HIP: I would go B60 rather than a 50 John_McKenna_HIP: Some like the blower door and some get by without it. William_R__DeVries_HIP: Blower door is a different form of energy auditing David_A__Andersen_HIP: If your using blower door just to get air infiltration, your not using it for what it costs. David_Macy_HIP: Thats what I want to do are energy audits and it seems most use the blower door. John_McKenna_HIP: Good point David A Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP: did everyone see dave valley story William_R__DeVries_HIP: exactly david A, your wasting money David_A__Andersen_HIP: I have a BD, long before IR came around.... any questions? John_McKenna_HIP: Duct tape works good for air leaks... just joking John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: lol David_A__Andersen_HIP: BD tells you how much leak, IR shows you where David_A__Keating_HIP: What is dave valley story David_A__Andersen_HIP: is he here? Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: No William_R__DeVries_HIP: David Valley did a story on Audits, was well written John_McKenna_HIP: David Valley is really Superman... just tell him to take of his shirt and show you Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP: the article he published in christain science monitor David_A__Keating_HIP: no whats the general message? David_A__Andersen_HIP: The problem with BD is that there are a lot of things that leak, and they should...What is acceptable? Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP: point being fo me any way being new to IR what Dave did a energy sudit or survey David_Macy_HIP: I sent Dave Valley a personnal message to inquire about IR. I think I read most of his posts. David_Macy_HIP: Is it better to take the training and then buy a camera or visa versa? John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: okay so what resolution should we go for if we want to do other stuff outside of home inspections? David_A__Andersen_HIP: most that come to calss ave not taken it out of the box David_A__Andersen_HIP: You can go either way. David_Macy_HIP: I would like to use on my house. David_Macy_HIP: My leaks have leaks John_McKenna_HIP: Take the training first. It will help you buy the right camera IMHO David_A__Andersen_HIP: What other stuff? William_R__DeVries_HIP: features.csmonitor.com/innovation/2008/1...ay-warm-this-winter/ for david link David_A__Andersen_HIP: It's about distance David_Macy_HIP: OK Johnnymack. David_Macy_HIP: Looks like a trip to texas David_Lauby__HIP has left the chat. (Connection closed) Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: I think the training is important b efore buying, if the school has different cameras to try and use before you buy. John_McKenna_HIP: You can do the teleconference or take a trip to Texas David_Macy_HIP: But after jays comments I may do online David_A__Andersen_HIP: John dosen't like SNOW! John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: well the guy i teamed up with does energy audits for oil companies and etc William_R__DeVries_HIP: we got another foot of snow again today John_McKenna_HIP: I love snow... just not at my house. David_Macy_HIP: I have a heating and cooling company already wanting my services David_A__Andersen_HIP: There you go! David_A__Andersen_HIP: It's about heat!!!! John_McKenna_HIP: I get a lot of people who sign up for training because they want to do energy audits William_R__DeVries_HIP: and HVAC duct inspections are good as well David_A__Keating_HIP: John McKenna, can we get just as good of whats going on via the teleconference class? David_Macy_HIP: It is cold around here. Got down to zero last night OverseaStudent has joined HIP. Gary_Mann_HIP has left the chat. (Connection closed) David_Macy_HIP: William I had my duct system done professionally last maonth. was neat to watch. Dominic__Maricic_HIP has joined HIP. ! Dominic__Maricic_HIP is the founder of this room. ! ChanServ has made Dominic__Maricic_HIP a host. Dominic__Maricic_HIP: Hi Guys John_McKenna_HIP: Teleconf is the EXACT same class as on site Gregory_Scheer_HIP: Also check out www.moistureview.com David_Macy_HIP: Hey Dom my friend John_McKenna_HIP: Hi Dom William_R__DeVries_HIP: david K , I think being in the class is always best, but John Mckenna does a great teleconference David_Macy_HIP: This chat is rocking David_A__Andersen_HIP: Hay Gary, David_A__Keating_HIP: Hi Dom! John_McKenna_HIP: I try not to bore you to death... LOL Dominic__Maricic_HIP: How's it going? David_Macy_HIP: Dom is there a way to print this out when we are done? John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: Hey bid D William_R__DeVries_HIP: with class you get the after class chatting and that pays dividends Brad_Pool_HIP: Great participation Dominic__Maricic_HIP: I used to be able to get a log, I'll have to check David_Macy_HIP: A lot of good guys with valuable info. Dominic__Maricic_HIP: I'll be back in a minute, working on a server that's having issues. I'll let John talk about his class David_Macy_HIP: Never give a dog a popsicle John_McKenna_HIP: To copy this chat.... high light and copy.... simple David_Macy_HIP: Good old cut & paste Brad_Pool_HIP: Johns class is great and you get a lot of good information from it. John_McKenna_HIP: The camera is not the HARD part. David_Macy_HIP: I am going. Anyone wanna fly to Texas William_R__DeVries_HIP: I am doing Johns class in Jan as well David_A__Andersen_HIP: now i have to watch what i say or ill get another DEMAN LETTER!!! David_A__Keating_HIP: John_McKenna_HIP: To copy this chat.... high light and copy.... simple AND PASTE ON A BLANK DOCUMENT? John_McKenna_HIP: Construction knowledge is the HARD PART Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: What Is?? David_A__Andersen_HIP: reading the scan is the hardest... John_McKenna_HIP: I know Level III thermographers that will not do a home inspections with an IR camera.... to hard for them. Brad_Pool_HIP: You have to know what you are looking at!!! David_A__Keating_HIP: Why? William_R__DeVries_HIP: i'll be level II in feb-march David_A__Andersen_HIP: Level III don't do anything except from behing the desk? John_McKenna_HIP: The more you know about construction, the easier the IR camera is to understand. David_Macy_HIP: I will be glad to be level 1 and get rolling. William_R__DeVries_HIP: agreed JM Gregory_Scheer_HIP: Who is certifying the level one and level two? John_McKenna_HIP: Certification for Level I and II have little to do with a HI William_R__DeVries_HIP: I am taking FLIR level II David_A__Andersen_HIP: You should never point anir cam at anything you don't know about (or have someone with you that does). Mel: I'm going to PHX for the Level One David_Macy_HIP: Hey Johnmack any plans for Ohio? Gregory_Scheer_HIP: I thought only major corporations can certify someone as level one or two Gregory_Scheer_HIP: and only their own John_McKenna_HIP: I recommend using your camera for at least 40 hours before you sell it to the public. William_R__DeVries_HIP: Mario just took level II said it was really in-depth David_A__Keating_HIP: how about Denver David_A__Andersen_HIP: 40 days! John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: I was thinking of doing Johns class first then going for the level 1 and 2. HI is where we should all start. David_Macy_HIP: Denver-Ski and learn IR. Nice John_McKenna_HIP: I can go anywhere in the U.S. or CA if you can get a group of 6 inspectors together. Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP: how about NH Brad_Pool_HIP: We have a ghost hunter here in San antonio that points the cam at glass and shows the croud paying $100 / head his image in the window and calls it a ghost. John_McKenna_HIP: The only classes planned is for Toronto and several cities in Texas at this time David_Macy_HIP: Adrian let me now when you do Johns class and I could join up with you. Brad_Pool_HIP: That's $10 / head sorry. David_A__Andersen_HIP: is he really alive? Call home safe, they will send you a bill for nothing David_Macy_HIP: Toronto is not bad. 5 hrs by car. Gregory_Scheer_HIP: Dominic, what area afterwards is a good plce to post from this? William_R__DeVries_HIP: 1 hour north of toronto Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: John if yo come to NY, NJ you have 1 student already. David_A__Andersen_HIP: ITC in Clarksville, beer is cheap here!?? John_McKenna_HIP: Home Safe ... will charge you for finding ghost... LOL John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: It will probably be a while. Gotta pay for a wedding first David_A__Keating_HIP: If I get 6 inspectors here in the Denver area John how soon could you do a class? John_McKenna_HIP: See our web site calendar page.... www.infrared-inspection.com David_A__Andersen_HIP: I just got a bill from them... David_Macy_HIP: Hey I am Home Safe I could find Casper for you. David_A__Andersen_HIP: Thanks,,, not! John_McKenna_HIP: I can do a class within two weeks from the time you call me to come. Gregory_Scheer_HIP has left the chat. (Connection closed) David_Macy_HIP: How many guys do you need Johnmack? David_A__Keating_HIP: Great John I'll start working on that! John_McKenna_HIP: I can come to any location for 6 people. John_McKenna_HIP: The teleconference is the exact same course. You will like it. David_Macy_HIP: OK, with my Nachi and Ashi connections I could arrange something John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: Sorry John, I know I dont want anyone else around here to do these! lol John_McKenna_HIP: I am going to a TAREI convention in Jan. OverseaStudent has left the chat. (Connection closed) Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP: so is going around a house looking for air loss, insulation, etc a heat loss survey or audit, or do you need a blower to call it a audit David_A__Andersen_HIP: either way, if you follow the standards John_McKenna_HIP: An audit means a lot of things to different people. No standard in place Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: John A Good point why tell your competition David_A__Andersen_HIP: blower helps fixed delta t issues Brad_Pool_HIP: How about Evaluation? David_Macy_HIP: Does the state of Ohio have any requirments for performing energy audits? John_McKenna_HIP: I love my competion... they used to tell me I would never make it... LOL David_Macy_HIP: Way to go Jmack John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: I want to be the pioneer here in Okieville Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: I heard that also. John_McKenna_HIP: Energy Audits are the wild west... except in CA and some in FL John_McKenna_HIP: CA = Canada David_A__Andersen_HIP: have you talked with charlie ? John_McKenna_HIP: Charlie? Ron_Caton_HIP: Might have been asked already, but will this chat be avail after tonight? David_Macy_HIP: I have a energy audit company interested in my services John_McKenna_HIP: Cut and past chat to save it Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP: I know John, I think it would go well here Brad_Pool_HIP: They are becoming popular in Austin Texas, our version of California David_Macy_HIP: We can have a Caht anytime just post it Dominic__Maricic_HIP: Ron, I'm going to try and post it later Ron_Caton_HIP: oh, okay...duh! Thanks. Ron_Caton_HIP: Thanks Dom and John John_McKenna_HIP: Dom is the greatest... YEAH David_A__Andersen_HIP: application questions? Ron_Caton_HIP: I'm def interested in attending a class on IR and Energy Audit David_Macy_HIP: Yes lets all give Dom a hip hip hurray and merry new year Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP: Dom is the greatest but that little green man Ron_Caton_HIP: Seems not many are doing it here in Tulsa Dominic__Maricic_HIP: lol, dave, you sipping something? John_McKenna_HIP: Dom can show you how to get on googles front page David_Macy_HIP: Yes I am providing the beverages Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP: goog;e yahoo, ask, John_McKenna_HIP: I was on the radio in Houston yesterday. I am famous... YEAH John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: does anyone have any good IR contracts they would share? David_Macy_HIP: Everyone go grab a beverage and toast Dom and all the Hippies William_R__DeVries_HIP: LOL David_A__Andersen_HIP: ![]() John_McKenna_HIP: How did you know I used to be a Hippy? LOL David_A__Keating_HIP: Anybody here tonight interested in a Denver Class with John McKenna? Brad_Pool_HIP: What kind of program was it John MC? William_R__DeVries_HIP: Denver is too far John_McKenna_HIP: We can get Nick to come to a Denver class... if we have one William_R__DeVries_HIP: besides I am leaving for Pittsburg in 30 mins or so David_A__Andersen_HIP: with snow shovel? John_McKenna_HIP: 700 AM Radio in Houston... Call the BUILDERS ACADAMY show William_R__DeVries_HIP: you can have it at NACHI HQ if you wanted Steven_DeGiulio_HIP: I am interested in Denver Brad_Pool_HIP: Did they contact you or do you have a contact? John_McKenna_HIP: Nick does not have any heating at the NACHI head quarters..LOL William_R__DeVries_HIP: boulder is 30 mins from there and Nick will give you the room for free David_Macy_HIP: Johnmack keep me posted on classes. I want to meet Mr saint Nick David_A__Keating_HIP: Okay Steve email me. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: well everyone, I gotta take off. I hope I can catch the rest of this later with Doms post. William_R__DeVries_HIP: c ya John David_Macy_HIP: Later Adrian Happy Holidays John_McKenna_HIP: Send me an email to get on my list.... This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP: you too marry christmas too everyone John_McKenna_HIP: Buy Adrian. Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP: me too see you guys later merry Christmas David_A__Andersen_HIP: how much? John_McKenna_HIP: Bye... spelling error... I am lost without spell check...LOL John_Adrian_Sopher_HIP has left the chat. (Connection closed) Patrick_Wiseman_HIP: Me too// Merry Christmas Dennis_R_Goudreau_HIP has left the chat. (Connection closed) Dominic__Maricic_HIP: Did anyone tell you guys to click options in the bottom right and change you theme to classic? it looks much better John_McKenna_HIP: What button? Patrick_Wiseman_HIP has left the chat. (EOF from client) David_A__Keating_HIP: Yes David_Macy_HIP: Yes Dom, I like the white screen. Brad_Pool_HIP: You did in your email. Dominic__Maricic_HIP: ok good David_Macy_HIP: Options on right lower corner, use classic Dominic__Maricic_HIP: if anyone has been in here since the beginning, they can highlight all the text, click copy and paste it into an email for me David_A__Keating_HIP: We lost a few hippies, did the bar close? William_R__DeVries_HIP: I missed the first 10 mins David_Macy_HIP: These guys were on board at 650 PM. John_McKenna_HIP: I like the NIGHT option... feels better on my eyes. Brad_Pool_HIP: Dom I was here from the start . I will send it to you. |
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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO |
Conversations continued for a little while after but that's the bulk of it!
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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO |