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TOPIC: Does anybody still do it the old fashioned way?

Does anybody still do it the old fashioned way? 11 years 2 weeks ago #57216

  • scott97
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OK, maybe not entirely the old fashioned way, but....

....I am getting ready to build my own website (which I acknowledge from a purist's perspective disqualifies me from being "old fashioned"), and I was wondering if there's anyone out there who does not use social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. as part of their marketing/networking.  Perhaps you don't even have a website.  I want to know if there are people out there successfully (gainfully) doing home inspection work without these modern technological aids.  And if there are people out there doing it like that, is it because you stubbornly refuse to learn "the new way," or is it because you've found that it's more work than it's worth and you don't need it?  Or is it another reason?

The fact that there are benefits to all this interconnectedness with the internet today I can't disagree on, but in my experience, that knife cuts both ways - I don't like being exposed to malicious content, unauthorized access to my personal info, identity theft, and everything else bad on the internet.  I'd prefer to limit my exposure if possible.

The reason I posted this here and not in the computer section is because I figured people who don't run SEO, social media, or even a website would be more likely to find this thread here than in a section they would otherwise have no interest in.

So, is there anybody out there successfully running low-tech regarding social media?

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Re: Does anybody still do it the old fashioned way? 11 years 2 weeks ago #57218


Before I answer your question, I need to ask you a question...

(Work with me here)...

Take a look-see at each of the following links, and give me your basic impression of each. No need to analyze each site, just a quick glance to form an opinion...




What is your perception of these sites?

(This is all relavent, I promise).

I will check back later to answer your question in more detail, after you have replied to my question. Thx.

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Jeffrey R. Jonas
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Title: Critical Eye Property Inspections
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Re: Does anybody still do it the old fashioned way? 11 years 2 weeks ago #57219

  • scott97
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Thanks for the quick reply Jeffrey.  Upon viewing, my first impression of the Twitter page was "this is confusing, kinda overwhelming."  The LinkedIn, again, same thing, but a little less so, because I am vaguely familiar with LinkedIn (that was my first ever sight of a Twitter page, however).  The Facebook page?  Well, I didn't see any information about you or Critical Eye Property Inspections - all I saw was the generic "sign up" page, I guess because I don't have a Facebook account.  I have "Facebooked" all of twice about 5 years ago on my wife's business account.

There seemed to be a whole lot of information on both those other screens.  It seemed like it would take me a while to weed through it to find what was relevant to me.  I couldn't even find a phone number or hot link to email you from in order to contact you.  Now, if I swam in that stuff on a regular basis, I'm sure I would know immediately what to make of what, but....

....Help me out, Jeffrey.

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Re: Does anybody still do it the old fashioned way? 11 years 2 weeks ago #57220

It didn't matter what you actually saw, I was curious what someone without any prior knowledge of those sites saw, which is damned hard to find anyone without prior anymore.

With that being said, and your opinions of what you saw, here is my position regarding your original question...

I actually do very little in regards to those sites. I am generally like you... old fasioned, aka "Old School", but I do realize the need to at least keep up an online presence. The Twitter account, I virtually never do anything with it, except for the occassional connect with someone. I have the account for any potential clients, which I don't think I have ever had anyone contact me from Twitter.

LinkedIn is geared more towards networking with business professionals than the general public. This is probably the single one site I would recommend to keep your name in front of "business persons". I do have some interaction with others on this site, but again, I don't go out of my way to participate, and thus get out of it what I put in.

Facebook, well, I only have this page since nowadays many believe you have to have one. Generally, I dislike it in principle, but again realize it is sorta expected. I decided the direction I wanted to take with it (passive approach) and mainly post a few times a week, and only as posting information that may be of interest to anyone related to the industry and homeowners/clients, such as relative recalls, area weather warnings, RE News, etc. I do not believe I have ever received a direct request for work from FB.

There are others, such as Google+ and Activerain, and I treat them the same as the above.

So, in essence, I have a large online presence, but I do not actively "work it". It is there to get and maintain my name being out there, thus I am all over Google search for my area. They are resources to help capture potential clients, if that is how they choose to locate me. My business experience knows that it is necessary to make it as easy as possible for potential clients to find me. My "Old School" charm takes over from there. Once I get a client to actually call me, I book 95% or better.

Well, hopefully that answered your questions. If not, ask away. I will reply when I can, but usually within 24-36 hours.

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Jeffrey R. Jonas
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Title: Critical Eye Property Inspections
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Re: Does anybody still do it the old fashioned way? 11 years 2 weeks ago #57221

  • scott97
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Jeffrey, you have gotten me to think about my dilemma from a different vantage point, and for that, I thank you and applaud you.  From what I already know about building and maintaining a top-notch website with all the bells and whistles to make me ranked #1, it's practically a full time job to start that and at least a part time job to fulfill that. So, I have decided to forego the website for now and concentrate my efforts in other areas.  I can build a better "mediocre" website later anyway, after I've gained more experience as a home inspector....

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Re: Does anybody still do it the old fashioned way? 11 years 2 weeks ago #57223


I honestly feel NOT having a website is probably the biggest mistake an inspector could make! It is the foundation for everything you do online. Everything should be referenced towards your website. Good, bad, or ugly... you need one! In fact, I often advise any inspector starting out that the first thing they need to do is get their website setup and Live. Time is not your friend when first building your business and website. There is a lag time for it to get indexed by the search engines... as long as a year or more! My recommedation is to get started with a HIP site. This will give you the most bang for your buck for only a few bucks a month and is relatively simple to get going, much easier than one of those lower cost hosting sites that don't give you anything worth a dang to work with. I also recommend you choose your Domain name wisely. Place vanity aside! Every new inspector wants their domain to be their company name. Understandable, BUT... nobody will be searching for your company name on Google... they will be searing for "Home Inspector City Name" or "Home Inspection City Name" the majority of time. Yes, my first website was my company name, but it has since been reinforced with a second website?  " www.OwatonnaHomeInspector.com " to take advantage of the inherant search results with the city name in the domain name.

Okay... theres tons more tips and info on this MB for you to peruse, but just ask if you need more help. I certainly don't know it all, and there are a million other opinions out there, and most of them on this MB are good.

Good luck!

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Jeffrey R. Jonas
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