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TOPIC: Post Election Observation

Post Election Observation 16 years 4 months ago #3967

I posted this on my blog this morning.  It caused a bit of a stir, not that much, but some fun stuff.  There wasn't as much action as I had hoped...  but, I thought I'd share it with you!


This Time It Will Work

We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.

The eight most economically prosperous countries in the world are those that most closely follow Adam Smith's economic model (The Wealth of Nations, circa 1776).  The eighty (80!) or so least economically prosperous are those that are the furthest from that model.  We have just voted a president, who, combined with a Congress so in lock step, has promised "fundamental change."  That fundamental change is intended, yes intended, to take us further from Dr. Smith's 8 and more toward the 80.  Pure and simple.  THAT is what "spread the wealth around" means.  Just two days ago, a congressman from Virginia, Jim Moran, said that it is about time that we disabuse "the simplistic Republican notion that those who have wealth should get to keep it."  That is VERY close to a direct quote.

Yes, he said that...  The word "wow" comes to mind...  So if I spend my lifetime building a stamp collection, or numismatic coin collection, or antique furniture collection, bank account, IRA, business, or any such so-called wealth, it is time to disabuse me of the notion that I should get to keep it?

The last time this country elected a socialist, redistributionist president who promised "change" (Mr. Carter), it got what it wanted - change.  Boy, did it get change!  This socialist, redistributionist, economic mentality has never worked at any time, in any place.

But his time, yes this time, it will be different.  If on nothing else then certainly on the many demostrated, past  successes and diverse, lush résumé of our new president, this time, it will work!  HE will make it work!  "Yes [he] can!"

I am to believe that this time, finally, socialism and appeasement will work!

We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.

Back to me.  No country has ever, ever, ever taxed itself to prosperity.  No country has ever, ever, ever eliminated poverty by transferring wealth to the poor (redistribution).  You cannot give a fish to someone and expect him to feed himself long-term.  You have to teach that person to fish, and he feeds himself forever.  You cannot take people out of the slums unless you first take the slums out of the people.  It can be tried, again, but it will not work. 

What's that Einstein said about defining insanity as trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results?  Hmmm...

Well, when it fails again, this time, I know who will get the blame!  And it won't be the new president...

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Jay Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC
Based in Bristow, serving all of Northern Virginia
Northern Virginia Home Inspector
Festina Lente - Make Haste Slowly
Last Edit: by Jay Markanich.
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