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TOPIC: Home Inspector Pro 5.4 for Windows/Mac Released

Home Inspector Pro 5.4 for Windows/Mac Released 6 years 11 months ago #64355

List of most recent updates for the Windows/Mac version of HIP! Log into the website with your account, click your name and then Downloads to get the latest update. You may need to reboot before running the update. The previous public version was 5.2.5


HIP-470 - Fixed high resolution (4k/5k) issues on Cover Designer, Up/Down buttons around program, Tool tips and narratives being cropped, Application Settings and other windows auto size correctly.

HIP-475 - New Search Desktop feature will clear highlighting if text in search field is erased.

HIP-112 - Search added to the desktop! Bottom right corner. Field automatically has focus when switching tabs so just start typing. It'll persist between tabs as well just like mobile.

HIP-427 - Multiple options added under Application Settings to determine how lists names and selections are displayed in the main narrative list. This is just for you as the inspector and does not affect the report. Minimum character limit removed on tooltips so they'll always appear.

HIP-441 - Fixed Report Settings->Options lines getting cut off towards the bottom.

HIP-442 - Fixed issue with narrative tooltips occasionally blocked edit window.

HIP-444 - Tab is now set to cycle forward through tabs in narratives or photos. Shift-tab goes in reverse. You can change to ctrl-tab under Application Settings.

HIP-445 - If no cover title was set for a template a new one was added and Property was spelled incorrectly.

HIP-447 - New Application Settings menu added under Edit and on bottom left of program. Settings that are app wide, instead of template specific have been moved here.

HIP-448 - When adding a new narrative the keyboard focus will go direct to the text area.

HIP-455 - High resolution working properly now on Windows 10 devices and on multi monitor setups tested.

HIP-456 - Larger spacing added between rows to help make things easier to read. Can be enabled/disabled under the new Application Settings menu.


HIP-16 - Added the ability to move forward/back on photos tabs using the 1 & 2 keys. (updated in HIP-444) for tab/shift tab.

HIP-225 - The first mobile inspection imported with ISN info will pull in all company info.

HIP-258 - Leading and trailing space and blank lines are left alone. Previously they were trimmed out.

HIP-405 - Adjusted the underlined text glossary option to be bolder to be more visible. Corrected issue with truncated glossary comments.

HIP-419 - Request Repair List and Cover Page Designer layouts updated for 4k monitors.

HIP-422 - Worked around issue with incorrect sort order on the new Mac APFS file format.

HIP-431 - If a corrupted or invalid font is used in the program HIP will automatically replace it with the system default.

HIP-433 - Resolved issue on Mac where popup Windows could be popped behind the main HIP screen if a click was clicked off the main focus.

HIP-427 - Multi select lists enabled! Since click on a drop down list to select one comment. Right click to select multiple comments.

HIP-438 - Cover page designs without an image will save properly when uploading/downloading to the cloud.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jon Bronemann and this user have 1 others thankyou

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO
Last Edit: by Dominic Maricic.

Home Inspector Pro 5.4 for Windows/Mac Released 6 years 11 months ago #64360

Not sure I like the new "lists"....I have multiple selections on a comment and now can't tell if they are selected or not because you've removed the blank space on lists.

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Home Inspector Pro 5.4 for Windows/Mac Released 6 years 11 months ago #64363

What blank space are you referring to? You can hover your mouse over a narrative to see what you have/haven't selected without opening the comment. You also have several options on how lists display under the new Application Settings button on the bottom left of the program.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO
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