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TOPIC: Beta Version 2.5.9 Released

Beta Version 2.5.9 Released 16 years 11 months ago #411

Hi Guys,

I just finished one of the largest updates features wise in a while. Specifically the long awaited spell check has been completely rewritten and added back in. Currently all words spelled wrong when you are adding/editing a comment, or working in any of the docs or even picture captions will be underlines as you type (great live feedback :). Right click on misspelled words to see possible spellings. Right now there's an extra click there I plan on eliminating. You can also hit F7 when working in any of these areas to run through a MS Word style spell check mode where all words in the current section misspelled will be run through. Eventually I will be adding a button to trigger this function as well, and creating a 'spell check whole program' function where the spell checker looks through everything you have to check. Note, spell check will not underline words spelled wrong when they are in a list, you have to be in an edit or add mode.

Make sure to give some feedback on the message boards as I'd like to make this version available to the public this week!

Overview of all changes below, read it over there's several other biggies added since last weeks beta update.

New Feature: Spellcheck added in English (Spanish, French, Italian and German coming soon). Added to add add/edit comments, edit documents, footer, contract, and photo caption windows. You will see words underlined and can also hit F7 to run a complete spell check to run through the entire document, comment, etc. Right click on the words spelled incorrectly to see suggestions.

New Feature: Added a move up/down button to the red & black comments so you can rearrange their appearance.

New Feature: Rotate image 90 degrees clockwise/counterclockwise now added to edit photo.

Design Change: When you enter Edit Photo mode the "Draw Arrow" button will be selected by default. Since this is the tool used the most, it will save you a click if it's what you're going to be using first.

Design Change: The drop down boxes used to set where the photos will appear now display up to 25 items at once before creating a scroll bar. Previously only 10 were shown which meant you had to scroll at time. 25 was chosen as the max as it's the most that can be shown on an 800x600 resolution computer.

Design Change: Made it so that when you have 2 panels on the screen the split will be closer to 50/50. This is to help out on smaller resolutions.

Design Change: The new larger edit boxes will move a word to the next line if it doesn't fit, rather than splitting the word across lines.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: Beta Version 2.5.9 Released 16 years 11 months ago #425

Hey Dominic,

Very cool, I love all the new updates and improvements. You are truly my HERO!! I love the spell check feature, prropps tooo yooou !!

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Re: Beta Version 2.5.9 Released 16 years 11 months ago #426

Hey Mike,

Thanks, glad you like the changes. I'm working on a few more additions that will make the spell check more useful. For example, right now it's case sensitive. If you capitalize everything in your picture caption it will say that's wrong as only the first word should be capitalized. I'm working on removing case sensitivity there. I'm also going to move the language selection to th Edit section and make it so when you right click it goes directly to the possible spellings.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: Beta Version 2.5.9 Released 16 years 11 months ago #429

See habla espano
Everything is working good though for fun type timper and spell check it.
The list goes off the screen:)

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Last Edit: by Bob Elliott.

Re: Beta Version 2.5.9 Released 16 years 11 months ago #430

Hey Bob, I'll see about limiting the possibilities of correct spellings.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: Beta Version 2.5.9 Released 16 years 11 months ago #444

Glad you have a new patch in today and would like to let every one know I found a way to add graphics by placing them at the bottom of the docs.
First bring the cursor down a few lines then paste your illustration or graphic file into the doc after that just hit enter so the cursor pushes the graphic file downward until you see the side scroll bar hit the top.
This is approximately one full page down.
Now just pick which section to put it and you are good to go.
If you tried this before you wou;d have found the pic or graphic corrupted.

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