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TOPIC: Office Reports ?

Re: Office Reports ? 11 years 1 month ago #56226

I must admit that if HIP had an office management feature that it would then be a complete product and the best thing since sliced bread, for a home inspector!  I refuse to spend an extra $1000+ a year for ISN to simply track clients and for reports that I might Or might not ever use.

If HIP had a merge/export feature for Quickbooks and would just keep clients names and basic inspection data similar to what is being done with the real estate agent data I would be a happy camper as would many others.....  Heck make this feature an add on feature for an extra $100 and I bet it would make many folks very happy...  :)

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Last Edit: by Scott Patterson.

Re: Office Reports ? 11 years 1 month ago #56231

What if I can show you that ISN saves you about $20,000 a year in your time?

HIP won't have add-ons. I don't like how other programs have to do that! Let me look into a Quickbooks export, what info do you want exported?

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: Office Reports ? 11 years 1 month ago #56237

I'm sure ISN does save time and money for some folks, but I'm a pretty simple operation. I like to talk to folks on the phone, take their information and do the inspection.  I will only do about 250 inspections a year,  I tend to inspect larger homes with higher fees so I do fewer homes than many inspectors..  It's not just about saving $4 per inspection, it's about convenience, simplicity and more of the personal touch over having clients log all of their information into a website.  I don't need maps, I use a GPS which also tracks my mileage and downloads to an Excel file...  I don't solicit agents so I don't need to track them... I don't have multiple inspectors so I don't need to see others schedules.... ? But since I have an open mind :),  I'll let you show me at IW next week... ? :)

For QuickBooks exporting I would think that you would need the dollar amount for the inspection, method of payment, clients name, date of inspection and address of inspection.  This would allow QuickBooks to log it as a sale.

Why not create a client log similar to the real estate agent log? ? Name, contact information, address of inspection, date of inspection, price, agent, etc... Seems like this would be fairly easy....

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Last Edit: by Scott Patterson.

Re: Office Reports ? 11 years 1 month ago #56239

Scott that reminds me.
Would love to have a double send option for Man and Wife that always want separate sends.

Right now the only way to do that is to eliminate your primary client off the report
and replace with a second client and resend all over again.

Partners in investment property it is the same issue.
Need to have a more than one client (send) option.

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Re: Office Reports ? 11 years 1 month ago #56240

Yeppers, more than one email would be great. ? I had a home yesterday and had to send it to the wife, husband and their son (the engineer) and the Realtor....
4 blasted emails!

And I have no idea why "?" are being stuck in my post...  It ain't me!

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Last Edit: by Scott Patterson.

Re: Office Reports ? 11 years 1 month ago #56243

Good idea on the emails.  I'll look into Quickbooks some more.

That was going to be my next response :) See you in the Integrated Technologies class next week!

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO
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