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Home Inspector Pro - Home Inspection Software
For Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone & iPad Insert Video Into Your Reports, Create a Popup Glossary, Annotate Photos on Mobile & Much, Much More. HOME INSPECTOR PRO 5 IS OUT!
Click here to watch a video on our new android release !
Includes Residential, Commercial, Mold, Septic, Pool & More! Canadian, French, Spanish & Texas TREC 7-5 Home Inspection Residential Templates Included
Receive 6 months free membership in InterNACHI ($249 value, new members only.)
We have developed the best home inspection report software for Mac, Windows, Android, iPhone & iPad to allow you to quickly and efficiently perform home inspections. With this commercial and home inspection report software in hand you will be able to easily compete with larger inspection corporations. Our home inspection software designed in cooperation with home inspectors who were tired of other programs not living up to their expectations. Home Inspector Pro is currently being used in at least 17 countries and 7 languages that we know of (English, French, Italian, Spanish and German). View an animated tutorial overview of our inspection software. We now have templates for home inspections, commercial inspections, mold, septic tank, pool inspections and more. Users can share their inspection templates with each other through our message boards.
A few of the features:
- Easily create a template for every type of inspection you perform. For example load one template for a commercial inspection then switch to your residential home inspection template for your next job.
- Spell check in 5 languages integrated into every portion of the program.
- Designed for a Tablet PC like the Microsoft Surface Pro, iPad, iPhone, and Android devices to almost eliminate the need for your keyboard during an inspection yet the program works great on a normal laptop.
- Ability to upload inspection reports for real estate agents, home buyer/seller, and you to view for up to 5 years.
- Allows you to upload reports and email a link to the report in one easy step.
- Reports are easy to for the home buyer/seller to read and Home Inspector Pro includes a table of contents integrated into the report summary for maximum clarity.
- Add unlimited photographs anywhere in your report, edit them within the program. Add hundreds within seconds. Works great with thermal images.
- Reorder pages, control page breaks and create colored borders.
- Specific template for Texas (TREC 7-5) inspectors.
- Currently being used in at least Australia, Canada, England, France, Italy, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, United States.
- Runs on Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows XP through Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit machines)!
- Easy to use commercial and home inspection software that runs on Windows, Android, or Mac!
Home Inspector Website Hosting
CLICK HERE to Sign up and start building your new website today!

Watch An Interview With Michael Collins-Smythe On His Websites Success
We created a website hosting service for home inspectors after many inspectors came to us complaining that they could not edit their own websites without paying someone, or even if they could, they couldn't make the changes necessary to their site to get them to the top of the search engine rankings. Well, with our new system you can do that and a lot more. We spent a lot of time working with a large group of inspectors on putting together a powerful, yet easy to use system. Check out some of the animated website hosting tutorials to see how easy it is to setup your site.
Now, for the best part. If you just purchased Home Inspector Pro's software contact us to also get a month free of website hosting! Many home inspectors are now choosing to have multiple websites as the more sites you can get to the first page of Google, the more jobs you'll get. Also, each site targets a certain geographical area. A few of our inspectors have up to 3 sites.
We currently have 35 themes from you to choose from, with more on the way. You can change your entire sites theme within seconds, on your own. To view all the current themes you can go to . Each theme can be customized with your own images. You will find a Theme selector on the left where you can flip through the different themes. We have many animated tutorials which you can get to from the left menu of our home page with more on the way. There are also multiple written tutorials up on the message boards.
To see some a few examples from our current users currently using the system check out . If you'd like to see more examples, you can visit the message boards on where the bottom 3 boards are all about the website hosting service and many people have posted their sites. You should be familiar with the message boards anyways as a lot of discussion about Home Inspector Pro goes on there.
Also, watch for our President, Dominic Maricic's video on Search Engine Optimization on NACHI TV
Current Features:
- Ability to add an unlimited number of pages to the site
- Edit your web pages whenever you want
- If you use the Home Inspector Pro report upload service, we are planning on making it so clients and agents can get their reports through your site.
- Make changes to all your keywords, descriptions, page titles that are necessary for good search engine rankings
- Change the page URL, also important for SEO (search engine optimization)
- Start up your own blog and allow users to comment on it, great to keep the search engines looking at your site
- Integrate news feeds from services to pull in fresh content daily (check out and look at the left side of any page but the first).
- Upload sample reports and other documents.
- Create Photo Galleries
- Create Slide shows ( check out )
- Link directory system makes it easy to manage your links to other websites.
- Add your own forms and surveys. Get emailed the results and view them online.
- If you are doing pre-inspections/sellers inspections you can create real estate listings on your site and offer this as an extra incentive to your agents & clients.
- Certain portions of each theme are fixed, but you can add content & images all over the sides and often in the header of the site. In most (and eventually all) the themes you can replace the header and footer images as well with your own.
- Support through email, live chat on website and our message boards where our staff and other users will help you out.
Upcoming Features:
- A new service coming to the report uploads is the option to receive a credit card payment before a report is viewed, you will also be able to accept payments on your own site.
- Much, much more!
To get signed up, click here to fill out the form and start building your new website now! If you don't have a domain name yet, don't worry, we'll help you out. Choosing a domain name is VERY important for good rankings, lets discuss what name you're about to choose before you get it.
We are asking that all tech support for the website hosting be done primarily through Email, Live Chat on the website (top right corner), or the Message Boards on the website and remote control. We do not charge extra for support and are usually available until midnight PST. All 4 methods will give you a near instant response, while still allowing us to handle Home Inspector Pro software questions via phone. Because Home Inspector Pro software questions are more likely to require immediate attention (clients are waiting!) we'd like to ensure the phone lines are kept as clear as possible for those questions. If you need something in detail and it's not working out through other methods then feel free to use phone support.
Click here to sign up for your Home Inspection Website today!
If you've already signed up for HIP Office, the Cloud Service is already included in your subscription! There's no need to sign up separately. If you're just interested in signing up for the Cloud or a free trial, read on! The Cloud Service focuses on the basics of report delivery and transfer between desktop and mobile templates and inspection. HIP Office adds scheduling, payments online, contract signatures and more.
Ready to try out a 30 day free trial of Home Inspector Pro? Our Home Inspector Pro Cloud service allows you to sync reports between Home Inspector Pro for Windows & Mac and Home Inspector Pro Mobile devices (Android and iPhone/iPad). It also allows you to upload PDF and HTML inspection reports to be stored for 5 years, automatically emails clients and agents links to the report and more. The username and password you choose when registering will be entered into Home Inspector Pro and HIP Mobile software. The cloud allows you to submit Home Energy Score Reports through our cloud servers and much more.
If you've already registered on the site you can use your current name and password. Try the HIP Cloud or HIP Office FREE along with Home Inspector Pro by CLICKING HERE and selecting the FREE TRIAL.
Show your clients and real estate agents why they should keep coming back to you. Sign up for our cloud service and upload all of your reports to our website. For only $29 a month you can show off your reports online!
- Real estate agents can log into their account and view ALL inspections you have ever done for them. Gone are the days where an agent calls you needing you to drop off or fax a report. This is an excellent marketing tool!
- Home buyers/sellers will receive an email with a link to their report. If you host your website through us client get their reports through YOUR website, increasing your exposure and rankings as they pass the link around to their family.
- You have all your reports backed up for 5 years. If anything ever happens to your computer you can always pull up a copy of the report online.
- You are shown a listing of all inspections you have done, who the agent and the client was, and when you performed it.
- Easily upload the report from within Home Inspector Pro. You do not need to log into a website and fumble your way around to get your report online.
- Receive an email whenever a client or an agent views your report!
Example Page: When you upload your report the client will receive a link to a page like this: Click Here. If you are using HIP Office you can fully customize all emails going to your client. Make sure to check out the HIP Office features!
Questions? Try the Live Help feature on our main page, read our message boards, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Home Inspection Client Testimonials
Here are comments from a few of our users on their experience with Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software
Home Inspector Pro user Damon Coberth talks about how using our Home Inspection Software & Website Hosting has increased his business 40% in the last year. You can visit Damon's Website at

It took a long time before I would agree to computerized reporting. Our reporting system had always been not only a source of business because of our ability to distribute reports at the inspection, but also a tool to keep our inspectors on track due to the format. When I spoke to Dominic, he assured me that we would be able to incorporate all of the elements of our old reporting system along with many new improvements. After using the Home Inspector Pro system for a year now, I can honestly say that Dominic was right. And more important than anything else, it is easy to use and adapt. I would recommend this system to anyone who’s not in New Jersey (only because I don’t want my competition to get their hands on it! LOL)
Sincerely,George White, ACI
Owner of Home Diagnostic Inspections, Inc., Little Falls, NJ

It took 5 years to sway me to another home inspection reporting style. HIP, is remarkably flexible! Being a PC dinosaur, it took me a bit to realize that the provided template is easy to work with but, more interestingly, I can build my own template (using the same inspection walk thru I now use) in very little time. And, to top it all off, Dominic is extremely responsive via phone or email to any questions I have. Most are answered within 2 minutes. Even if you are using paper reports, consider Home Inspector Pro. It's even easier than the tutorials.
Best of good fortune on your service, Dominic!
Russ Spriggs CMI in Idaho, USA Sample Report From Russ
Idaho's NACHI Chapter President & President, Spirit Lake Chamber of Commerce
I have tried 5 or 6 home inspection programs or systems, and most of them allow some degree of editing to the comments. However, I find Home Inspector Pro to be superior in several ways; Easy-to-save, unlimited numbers of templates, so you can open a template that is already tailored to the house you are inspecting. Also, the appearance of the final report can be altered drastically, and various versions can easily be created, from web-friendly to printer-friendly, for example. Colour-coding and the appearance of the cover pages are easily changed and saved with this program. Pictures are automatically downsized to fit the pages, and can be inserted anywhere with a fast uploading procedure. I have recommended this program to other inspectors as, dollar-for-dollar, the best inspection program on the market today. Thanks again, Dominic, for your terrific support as well !!
John Kogel in Sooke, BC, Canada
All Safe Home Inspections

I wanted to take a few minutes to thank you so much for your support this year. Home Inspector Pro has been instrumental in the success of my new inspection company. My business is thriving, as you know, and there is not any way that I would of accomplished this much without your help. The reports alone have generated more business for me than you could imagine. Your personal interest has been nothing less than remarkable. I cannot thank you enough for the customer service and awesome program. I have been doing inspections for only 7 months now and I am pushing 200 for the year (as a side job). In Houston, it is very hard to generate a start up inspection business. With the help of Home Inspector Pro, 75% of my phone calls are now referrals. Thanks again for all of your help and patience and I wish you the very best of luck with Home Inspector Pro.
Cody Briggs in Houston, TX, USA
Sample Report From Cody
Coastal Home Inspections

Home Inspector Pro software is excellent! You will be hard pressed to find someone as knowledgeable, helpful and patient as Dominic. The photo software within the program is absolutely the quickest and easiest. 100 pics download in about 15 seconds and there is no resizing them, it's all done automatically. The arrows, circles, captions and report placement is also the easiest and goes as fast as you can click a mouse! Both good and bad comments are also as fast as you can move your mouse! Dominic created this software from HIs and that is why it is such great software. It did not come from a computer person trying to get HIs to adapt to his ideas and software, it came from a computer person who adapted HI ideas to create his software.
Mark and Gina Timpani in Tucson, Arizona, USA
Pride Property Inspections

For someone that was never on a computer key board until I was 50 years in age I must say that Home Inspector Pro (HIP) was the easiest software of any nature for me to grasp. Just a matter of hours to get the actual feel of its overall power to write a professional type report. Great Job Dominic Keep up the good work.
Charley Bottger in Oklahoma, USA
Freedom Express Home Inspections LLC

I am a registered user of the MAC released version of Home Inspector Pro and a Beta tester as well. Last week I did a Home Inspection and used Home Inspector Pro for my reporting needs as well as the upload service. My clients called me after they had downloaded and read the report and told me that it was the most professional report that they had seen and that it was a real HIT with them and the Realtor agents on both sides of the fence. Now, I want to let you know that it was my first attempt with the reporting software and my report was simpler that what I usually give out, but if it was a hit in this form, can you imagine what the report will be when I get the full power of it in my grasp by using it over and over!! I have been a hard core user of some of the other high-end software packages by HomeGauge and Porter Valley and never thought that I would budge from using them. Well, I have budged and am now exclusively using Home Inspector Pro Software for all of my inspections be it home, commercial, marine, mold. The power of this program allows one to use it to inspect and report about just everything that you can imagine. With its "open source" so to speak, one can tailor it to anyway they want their report to look and feel. One more caveat...this program will run on a other software for reporting out there can do that. I am a lucky inspector..remember a Apple a day keeps the PC Doctors away!!!
Robert Hutchinson in New York, USA
Bob Builder Home Inspections
Home Inspector Pro is the best inspection software on the market today. HIP delivers what every home inspector dreams of : a format the client can easily understand, Professional report that impresses Realtors and options that allow Inspectors to really make the report their own. You truly have complete control of Home Inspector Pro from template layout to library comments to photo editing to adding documents in the report. I tried every software out there and chose Home Inspector Pro for its incredible value, unlimited templates you can have, endless report modifications, outstanding software support and the logical format that speeds up my report writing time just to name a few. Try it and you will buy it.
John G Jones
Sample Report From John
All Tech Home Inspections

I have used my own template and inspection report since starting in business 8 yrs ago and have looked at all softwares and never changed. I studied Home Inspector Pro for about a week , sampled, then bought it. I am more than pleased and am in the process of going to it completely. I never throught I would change. You have a great product, great support, and very affordable. This was half the price of the "popular" name reports. Thanks so much, I am looking forward to responses from my clientel in the near future.
Ben Kelly in Tennessee, USA
Kelly Home Inspections

It has been a pleasure working with Dominic and Home Inspector Pro. Coming from a construction background in the Sunroom Industry I have worked with several large well known manufacture and computer software companies. They could learn something about the level of commitment and individual communication that was extended to me by Dominic. It's a relief to be able to comnplete a software or learning exercise and move forward in training freeing up the time needed to run the company. Dominic from Home Inspector pro gave me a level of satisfaction I normally extend to my customers, and it's nice to be on the receiving end for once.
Carl Rodrigues in Ceres, California, USA
Daylite Dimensions
Dominic Maricic has been provided the best customer service experience I have ever had. He is responsive. He is quick. He is helpful. He is knowledgeable. He is friendly.
Whether in in online chat, email or phone communication he has never been less that outstanding in providing answers to my questions.
I have a website hosting account with them and own the Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Pro software.
Mike Larson in Hudson, WI, USA
InspectraPro LLC

Just finished my second inspection report using HIP - I have to tell how great it is! I have cut down the time it takes to write a report by 50% - and I am not yet an expert at it - still make changes to the template during the report. When I get good, it will get even quicker. It is one of the best purchases I have made.I had been using another software program on the market. Depending on the number of pictures, it use to take me 2 & 1/2 to 3 hours to do a report. With 30 pictures on the last inspection I did it only took 1&1/2 hours (my 2nd inspection!), and I was doing mods along the way, so it slowed me down. But I love being able to make changes on the fly, and the picture handling is awesome - that alone saves me tremendous time - I use to have to use 3 different programs to annotate my pics, now I do it while I am doing the report - so great! Thanks so much!
Greg Keene
Evergreen, CO, USA
Clear Choice Home Inspections
I owned another popular inspection software but it was taking a long time to complete reports. After several HIP users told me that were cranking out very professional looking reports with photos in 45-60 minutes I had to give it a try. Well, they were right and I'm now hooked on HIP - so are my clients!
Erol Kartal
Pro Inspect
Chicago, IL, USA
A couple of months ago I did a home inspection, and the deal fell thru, for whatever reason. The listing agent evidently passed my inspection report around the real estate office. One of the girls that works in that office, read my report and wound up buying the home. I also got 2 inspections jobs, from clients of that office that the realtors had shown the report to. There wasn't anything special on the report, as far as inspection items. So I give the praise to HOME INSPECTOR PRO Software and Dominic. I also continue to get praise on my reports, from my clients and realtors.
I highly recommend "Home Inspector Pro software"! As your home inspection software.
I have attached the inspection report on my web site, for you to review. Under the tab (Sample reports)
Terry Acra
Spring, Texas
TOC Home Inspections
The most important part of any home inspection program is the report. Reports with Home Inspector Pro are designed to be easy to read and to the point. Home buyers and sellers, as well as their real estate agents have told us that our reports are the easiest they have ever read.
Reports are generated in Adobe's PDF format. This gives you the greatest flexibility in delivering your reports. The PDF's are optimized to create small file sizes. Most inspectors using our software choose to print their reports on site and then upload the report to our site so that the client, the real estate agent, and the inspector can view the reports at any time. You also have the option to easily email the report since the report is a single PDF file. If you choose to upload the report to our site, an email will be sent to the real estate agent and home buyer/seller with a link to view the report. Creating reports in PDF format allows for a professionally looking report to be created. You can create attractive headers and borders to your report which other programs cannot create.
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, click here to download it.
Click on the reports below to view real examples of Home Inspector Pro in use. There are an infinite number of ways to customize your inspection reports, by adding & removing sections, using digital stationery, creating popup glossaries, changing the border color, header color, all fonts within the program, adding your company logo, and more. Make your inspection report reflect you and your inspection company!
Check out an animated tutorial on : How to perform home inspection with Home Inspector Pro More tutorials can be found under the Support Menu along the top of the website. If you are an AOL user and have a problem downloading any of the samples please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.and we will give you a hand.
Cover Page Designs Examples Made with HIP Cover Page Designer
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Samples Inspection Reports From Actual Users
- Residential report with lots of photos in Michigan by John Jones
- Residential Report of an old house in Idaho by Russ Spriggs
Narrative Report Examples Residential Home Inspection Examples
1. Spanish Home Inspection Report (in Mexico) by Alejandro Garcin
Short Comment Report ExamplesCommercial Inspection Samples
Sample Contract: Example of the contract used by a user of our program, HICS Inc.
Try out the home inspection program for yourself, download the fully functional free trial here.