Home Inspector Website Hosting
CLICK HERE to Sign up and start building your new website today!

Watch An Interview With Michael Collins-Smythe On His Websites Success
We created a website hosting service for home inspectors after many inspectors came to us complaining that they could not edit their own websites without paying someone, or even if they could, they couldn't make the changes necessary to their site to get them to the top of the search engine rankings. Well, with our new system you can do that and a lot more. We spent a lot of time working with a large group of inspectors on putting together a powerful, yet easy to use system. Check out some of the animated website hosting tutorials to see how easy it is to setup your site.
Now, for the best part. If you just purchased Home Inspector Pro's software contact us to also get a month free of website hosting! Many home inspectors are now choosing to have multiple websites as the more sites you can get to the first page of Google, the more jobs you'll get. Also, each site targets a certain geographical area. A few of our inspectors have up to 3 sites.
We currently have 35 themes from you to choose from, with more on the way. You can change your entire sites theme within seconds, on your own. To view all the current themes you can go to http://www.homeinspectorpro.biz/ . Each theme can be customized with your own images. You will find a Theme selector on the left where you can flip through the different themes. We have many animated tutorials which you can get to from the left menu of our home page with more on the way. There are also multiple written tutorials up on the message boards.
To see some a few examples from our current users currently using the system check out http://www.homestarinspectionsny.com http://www.sehomeinspection.com/ http://www.daytonthermalinspection.com/ http://www.homeinspectionman.com/
http://www.chicagohomeinspection.info/ . If you'd like to see more examples, you can visit the message boards on http://www.HomeInspectorPro.com where the bottom 3 boards are all about the website hosting service and many people have posted their sites. You should be familiar with the message boards anyways as a lot of discussion about Home Inspector Pro goes on there.
Also, watch http://www.NACHI.tv/episode24 for our President, Dominic Maricic's video on Search Engine Optimization on NACHI TV
Current Features:
- Ability to add an unlimited number of pages to the site
- Edit your web pages whenever you want
- If you use the Home Inspector Pro report upload service, we are planning on making it so clients and agents can get their reports through your site.
- Make changes to all your keywords, descriptions, page titles that are necessary for good search engine rankings
- Change the page URL, also important for SEO (search engine optimization)
- Start up your own blog and allow users to comment on it, great to keep the search engines looking at your site
- Integrate news feeds from services to pull in fresh content daily (check out http://www.homeinspectionman.com and look at the left side of any page but the first).
- Upload sample reports and other documents.
- Create Photo Galleries
- Create Slide shows ( check out http://www.sehomeinspection.com/ )
- Link directory system makes it easy to manage your links to other websites.
- Add your own forms and surveys. Get emailed the results and view them online.
- If you are doing pre-inspections/sellers inspections you can create real estate listings on your site and offer this as an extra incentive to your agents & clients.
- Certain portions of each theme are fixed, but you can add content & images all over the sides and often in the header of the site. In most (and eventually all) the themes you can replace the header and footer images as well with your own.
- Support through email, live chat on website and our message boards where our staff and other users will help you out.
Upcoming Features:
- A new service coming to the report uploads is the option to receive a credit card payment before a report is viewed, you will also be able to accept payments on your own site.
- Much, much more!
To get signed up, click here to fill out the form and start building your new website now! If you don't have a domain name yet, don't worry, we'll help you out. Choosing a domain name is VERY important for good rankings, lets discuss what name you're about to choose before you get it.
We are asking that all tech support for the website hosting be done primarily through Email, Live Chat on the website (top right corner), or the Message Boards on the website and remote control. We do not charge extra for support and are usually available until midnight PST. All 4 methods will give you a near instant response, while still allowing us to handle Home Inspector Pro software questions via phone. Because Home Inspector Pro software questions are more likely to require immediate attention (clients are waiting!) we'd like to ensure the phone lines are kept as clear as possible for those questions. If you need something in detail and it's not working out through other methods then feel free to use phone support.