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TOPIC: New Tutorial Formats

Re: New Tutorial Formats 12 years 11 months ago #46027

For the first few weeks the animated tutorials are great but after you have the basics I like to be able to open up a direct step by step guide and print this so I can have it in my hand while I am trying to do some of the more challenging things.

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Re: New Tutorial Formats 12 years 11 months ago #46191

I would agree with Gary, I would like the printed version so that I could reference it while installing it.

Thaks for all of your help,


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Re: New Tutorial Formats 12 years 11 months ago #46197

I think that you can produce a lot more tutorials with written text or the PDF style (when visual is necessary).

I have not done much work with my websites for quite a while and I started working on some upgrades the other day and I forgot how to do things that I did a couple years ago. I keep a folder of "procedures" when I remember to make them.

I think that once we have our feet wet, it's just a matter of sequential instructions to accomplish our goals.

When it comes to "designing" and you have many options of how to do something, the flash tutorials are great for showing examples of what you can do. But if you're just trying to insert a process like adding a slideshow to your website, sequential instructions are adequate.

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Re: New Tutorial Formats 12 years 11 months ago #46226

Thanks for the input guys. We're going to be working on some more tutorials and your feedback definitely helps!

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO

Re: New Tutorial Formats 12 years 11 months ago #46239

Dom wrote: Thanks for the input guys. We're going to be working on some more tutorials and your feedback definitely helps!

Good... because let's face it... you keep adding features so fast, some of them are over my head, are into areas I've only scratched, and/or just have no friggin clue! So, thank you for that! ;)

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Jeffrey R. Jonas
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Re: New Tutorial Formats 12 years 11 months ago #46251

LOL. Well if there's anything in particular you'd like a tutorial on post it here so we can talk stock of what new tutorials are needed for.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO
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