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TOPIC: Inspection checklist/software and insurance - getting started

Re: Inspection checklist/software and insurance - getting started 13 years 2 weeks ago #45063

Casey, on preowned home inspections, I'll usually do 200-350 photos. Not really that many reference shots. Just like to be able to have a choice of pic used for items, so I'll due multi pics and angles for items. Up to a hundred pics are used for report on preowned.
Less pics needed usually on new homes and alot less on construction phase inspections.
The older the house the more pics usually. The older the house, more of a charge also.

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Re: Inspection checklist/software and insurance - getting started 13 years 2 weeks ago #45073

I do the same Joe, taking multiple shots and such. But then I thin them out to usually just one prior to doing the report. I suppose I am doing about 150-200 for an average house if I look at it that way.  Maybe I shouldn't be deleting the extras.  I do delete the ones which just don't come out with the right lighting or focus.

Just curious, what is your price change based on a home's age?

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Re: Inspection checklist/software and insurance - getting started 13 years 2 weeks ago #45075


I almost never find the anti-tip installed, new or pre-owned. Heck, most people never even heard of one before. Tip: if you ever can't find the anti-tip bracket, check in the cabinet next to the stove. Sometimes you get lucky.

I always take multiple pic's of most all defects, from different angles, and up-close to a short distance. Sometimes you just need an overview pic for better understanding of the situation.

I average 400 pic's on a average "Minnesota" home. ;)

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Jeffrey R. Jonas
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Last Edit: by Jeffrey Jonas.

Re: Inspection checklist/software and insurance - getting started 13 years 2 weeks ago #45078

I average about 100-150 photos for a home less than 10 yrs old.  Another 50 for up to 20 yrs.  More than 20 yrs and may get up to 300 photos.  Old homes have more defects so more pics.  Reports probably get as few as 20 but my ideal is one photo for every defect.  The rest are documentation photos for my records. 

Serious defects I may take 2-3 pics to show from different angles in case the lighting or focus is off.  Most piddly defects get on photo.  Part of taking photos is doing most of the editing when you take  the shot.  Zoom in and get the light behind you.  Take the picture just as you want it to appear in the report.  If  you need to take a wider angle shot to show location, thats fine.  Try to make your photos useful, not just general shots.  It takes time (and therefore profit) to wade through all those photos and more time and profit to edit them.  Become a better photographer.  It will save you time in editing and increase your profit.

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Bruce Ramsey, ACI

Re: Inspection checklist/software and insurance - getting started 13 years 2 weeks ago #45086

Bruce that is great in theory or if you are using a tablet at site.
I use general shots to help show location for my notes.

The fewer shots you take the faster to go through the pictures no doubt however extra pictures can also save you from forgetting or leaving out items in your report.

The real key may be to simply use fewer inside the report itself as mentioned already.
One of the big reasons I am hopeful for the Android version of HIP.

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Last Edit: by Bob Elliott.

Re: Inspection checklist/software and insurance - getting started 13 years 1 week ago #45094

Bob, we all have different methods. ? I do not take any notes of any kind other than photos. ? If there is no picture, there is no defect to report. ? If there is a photo, it is either a defect or a Must Describe item. ? I follow a routine when I inspect. ? The photos are in the order I inspect. ? Reviewing my photos in order is just like going through the inspection. ? I occasionally review my photos on the camera at the end of the inspection as a recap for the client. ? Occasionally download to the laptop and tab through them with the client onsite. ? 

I am not sure how extra pictures are going to help me not forget or not leave something out. ? I take a picture of every defect as that is my only notes. ? I only take "Extra" photos if the first looks blurry, not centered in the frame, etc. ? I don't take "general" photos and then scan for missed defects. ? My goal is to only inspect the house once, while onsite.

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Bruce Ramsey, ACI
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